The Peacock Shows You How to Stand Out
If you haven’t yet, I’d like to encourage you to let your true self stand out and be noticed. Go ahead and be bold, like the peacock! Show your true colors, inside and out. Age doesn’t matter. Why wait?
If you are reading this, it is time to be blessed with the magic of the peacock’s message. If you want others to be blessed with this energy, share this article
Close your eyes and imagine the peacock’s glowing array of colors. Feel the power of that beauty. Now take that inspiration and think of how you’d like to express yourself just as freely and boldly.
What are your favorite colors? Which ones look best on you? What are your best outfits? What have you worn that makes you feel beautiful, sexy, powerful? Put these things on rotation and wear them again…(not something I say often, huh? Usually I’m all about variety. I’ll have to take my own advice. Lol!)
In Indian lore, any living creature that comes across your path brings you a message. These “totem” animals represent the subconscious mind, giving the information about the energy held. The Indians believed that each and every one of these beautiful powerful animals have medicine powers and knowledge to share. When you see them, they are helping your to learn, grow and expand your consciousness.
I’d like to talk a little more about true beauty within and without…
Beauty: within and without
The peacock energy like anything else has a positive aspect and negative one. Be mindful and don’t step into pride and arrogance, but instead step into your wisdom with dignity and honor.
Peacock reminds us of our hidden beauty that wants to surface. Your qualities, gifts and talents are inborn gifts and your imperfections make you unique and beautiful. Use imperfections to your advantage.
The peahen is not as beautiful as the peacock, but close your eyes for a moment and visualize its inside beauty. Without the hen there would be no beauty of the peacock. Once you respect your own inner beauty, treat others with respect and see theirs as well.
In order to look for beauty in your life, look within and you will see beauty in the world around you.
Self Esteem: love yourself
Peacock helps to reclaim your powers and rejuvenate your self esteem. This animal totem teaches us how to love ourselves.
Self love is NOT being narcissistic. Narcissism comes from fear of failure, insecurity, inadequacy. The focus is on the self, and although it is perceived as self love it is not. It is a false idea of self love; it has to do with vanity. It comes from ego, wanting to be the best without caring about anyone or anything.
Self Love is closely related to self esteem.
Self Love is feeling good about yourself without being vain. It is about understanding of the self with kindness, appreciation, compassion, gratitude.
Trust yourself and be confident. As long as you don’t harm anyone and treat everyone including yourself with kindness, don’t be afraid to shine your gifts and share them with the world. If you feel a slight jealousy towards others, think about why you feel that way. You might want to change your thoughts and celebrate others. If you do so, you will invite the same energies from them to you.
Choose to act
If you find you don’t want to be involved with others and community, the peacock has a message for you: “shine, instead of shying away from situations and people”. You are not a victim; share your gifts and talents with the world. If you hide and choose not to be part of what’s happening in your life, in your community, in your world, you let others choose for you. This is not empowering. You have a voice, you have a gift. Use it. Use it with grace, passion and wisdom.
Peacock teaches us to be happy in our own skin and shed any guilt we have about who we truly are. Remove masks and be authentic. Don’t be afraid to be YOU, to dance, sing, express yourself and wear nice colors even if others might seem to be intrigued by your behavior. Raise your vibrations so others will get inspired and do the same. Get noticed!
Don’t hold back, let your heart and creativity be known. It is time for you to shine and radiate your powers and beauty in the world. Be yourself.
There is a great spirit within you. There is an artist within you, a wise woman, a healer, a poet, ready to emerge from within and show the world your gifts and talents so you can inspire others.
Allow the Spirit of Peacock to grow within you.

Do you wear what you like? What do you love about yourself? Do you highlight your assets? Do you use your voice and your gifts? Please share your loving thoughts in the comments below!
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This post is linked up with Shelbee on the Edge, where you can find lots more style inspiration!
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