How to Spoil Yourself and Not Regret It Later
You don’t have to spend a lot of money on clothes; you don’t have to eat a gallon of ice cream, or even a luscious frozen custard cone or banana split; you don’t have to spend a day and empty your wallet at a spa…Do you want to give yourself a lift for one reason or another? Age doesn’t matter. A new tube of the perfect red lipstick is a cheap thrill that will brighten up any woman.
And it doesn’t get old. Lipstick is the longest-lasting cosmetic that you don’t have to throw out after two or three years. It’s a classic that goes with anything and dresses up anything and adds a pop of color to neutral outfits.
When Christian Louboutin created his first lipstick collection of 38 vibrant hues of red, he said “When a woman wears red, it’s a fierce signal saying ‘Look at me!'”
That’s not at all why I wear red, or red lipstick. For me, it’s the artistic effect. Because when I get dressed, I consider myself a new work of art every day. And my face is like a canvas to paint. I’ve always concluded with satisfaction that I have something to work with.
But it’s always been first and foremost for my pleasure, for me to feel comfortable in my skin, and for me to enjoy the beauty surrounding me every day.
Red does attract attention, though. I understand that. I’m not afraid of that. But that’s not ever my purpose.
I guess what Louboutin is saying is just that red makes a man look. So if you do want men to look at you, wearing red is sexy, especially if it is lipstick that draws attention to your mouth or stilettos that draw attention to your legs.
But my husband hates when I wear red lipstick. He feels that it’s a barrier to him getting close enough to kiss me. It’s repelling to him because he thinks it is some kind of chemical concoction that will make a mess all over him, and it gets in the way of two sets of nude lips touching each other.
Anyway, here’s my tip: When you want to cheer yourself up or brighten your wardrobe, the least expensive way to do it is with a new lipstick!

What is your best red lipstick and why? Do you use it to get men to look at you? (Tests have shown that men look longest at women’s lips with red lipstick on.) Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, sign up for emails to receive future blog articles as they come out on Thursdays and Saturdays. Follow Your True Self Blog on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.
Funny. My husband loves my red nails (it’s the only color I use–my trademark) and loves me in the color red. Period. But–he can’t stand me in red lipstick. Even when I was younger I never liked the way I look in red lipstick! It isn’t for everyone. I like a more neutral lip color on me. I will say that I like a bright coral–it looks much better than red. Now you’re making me want to go buy a lipstick!!!! LOL!
PS. I love the way you add the phrase “age doesn’t matter’ to each post. That’s so cool!