How Your Friends Make It Easy to Be Healthy: Carbs
Lowering Carbs
This is a diary of the healthy lifestyle goals that my son, Chris, and I are making together each month. Since it takes 21-30 days to develop a new habit, making a goal for the month ahead is an effective strategy.
He and I agree that making these monthly goals together and posting our results here for you to see helps us to improve our health. I’ve always found that if I say out loud to someone what I plan on doing, I’m more likely to do it. Because if I said I would, I feel responsible to follow through.
Age doesn’t matter. It’s never too late. You can always make progress and actually reverse the signs of aging!
In July, Chris and I decided to focus on keeping our carbohydrate intake low.

Chris’s Experience
Chris felt that he did pretty well, except for slipping here and there. For instance, last week he went out for pizza. He was trying to avoid bread and pasta, but he had a hamburger on a bun and things like that.
I was impressed. I think it’s pretty hard to avoid bread. I love it and it’s available all around in so many different forms.
When I asked him if he saw any kind of improvement, he said not particularly. And he thought the reason was because he had been too busy last month to get his regular exercise.
So his goal for next month is to balance enough exercise with a low-carb diet.
My Experience
I didn’t really focus like Chris did on eating less bread or pasta. I’ve been using the free app, MyFitnessPal, on my iPhone. I plan my meals based on a 1200 calorie diet. I input the foods I have had and the ones I’m planning on having, and if a warning pops up about carbs or fats or sugars or sodium I change my plan so that my meals are healthiest. That’s how I keep things in line and it’s easy. Besides, I’ve lost ten pounds using it lately! I only planned on losing five.
So I highly recommend MyFitnessPal. It is a calorie counter, it monitors how much water you drink; it calculates how many calories your exercise burns; and it has a link to monitor your walking by speed, distance and calories burned.
Last month, I broke my toe and caught a terrible virus with a cough that just doesn’t want to let go. So I haven’t been able to go swimming this summer like I usually do. I am healing now, and hoping to be able to get back in the pool. So my goal for August is to catch up on the swimming I missed.
Do you have a friend that you share your fitness goals with? Do you have a fitness app that you like to use? Do you keep your carb intake low? Tell us all about it in the comments below!
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