Would You Want to Be a Member of the Forever Fierce? I Love It!

I’m so happy to be a member of the Forever Fierce Revolution Facebook group. They are so supportive, and there are so many members…not just bloggers but also midlife women who want to connect with each other. Members have blogs that cover so many ages and so many different styles and topics.
The group started as the Fierce50, but then women in their 40’s, 60’s and 70’s joined as well. Now the group is broadening yet again with a campaign Bridging the Gap (BtG) between women young and old. (I might start a group called Sensational60… Lol!) Forever Fierce is expanding so much that stylistas in their 20’s through 70’s were at the meetup. So, Age doesn’t matter anymore!

Bloggers, models, business women, filmmakers, writers and others were there, including:
- Ginger Green Acevedo
- Elle Berman of The Elle Diaries
- Michele Wojciechowicz Clark of seechele_styles
- Tracey Crockett of Chic. Classy. Spicy.
- Nancy C. Donahue of NancyDonahue.com
- Victoria Flynn
- Diana Gabriel of Diana Gabriel NYC and @dianagabrielnyc
- Channing Hargrove of Channing in the City
- Eugenia Hargrove of The Age of Grace
- Kimberly Kepler Higgins of Kandidly Kim
- Pat Iturbe
- Cherie Peake James of Style Nudge
- Caytha Jentis of The Other F Word
- Catherine Lartigue of Atypical 60
- Janette Mercer-Braddock
- Catherine Grace O’Connell of Catherine Grace O
- Sandra Mimran Smith of BOOSTwear
- Dawn Bell Solich of Plumage 59
- Netta Young-Johnson
Forever Fierce and BtG are led by Catherine Grace O’Connell. She is a great role model for us all because she is dynamic, kind and has youthful energy. Eugenia Hargrove organized the New York City meetup, a refined and classy lady.
Right away, I found a non-stop flight from Detroit to New York for only $165. And to add to my excitement I would be able to visit my son, Chris, who is an actor. He invited me to stay at his new apartment. The only place available for me to sleep was on the couch, but no matter — I would be able to be with my beloved son during the weekend!

The cheap flight was on Spirit Airlines, and the trip to New York went smoothly.
Chico’s staff was very hospitable and friendly. There were light bites and goody bags filled with a Luna Stretch Reversible Bracelet from Chico’s, the book Radiant Again & Forever by Dr. Prudence Hall, a charcoal masque by Montagne Jeunesse 7th Heaven, day and night cream by Simply Venom. Sandra Mimran Smith, a Forever Fierce member who has started a line of lounge wear for girls and women who are full-chested with small frames called BOOSTwear, donated the pink balloons.

I had a wonderful time with my son and his partner, Khail. Chris took me to Maison Harlem for dinner when I arrived and bought a bottle of wine to celebrate my visit.
After the blogger meetup Chris and Khail and I went to dinner and then drinks at Honey Well. We had lava lamp drinks, coconut drinks with mescal in them and umbrellas in artisan drink ware, and last but not least — the fire drink!
- Lava lamp drink
- Khail, me and Chris out on the town!
- Fire drink
The next day, we went to Lincoln Square and ended up at Luce Restaurant & Enoteca, which has gnocchi that is out of this world! That, from a gnocchi afficionado who has been spoiled all her life by homemade gnocchi! And, of course since Chris is an actor, we saw movies every night. 🙂
Postscript: The Adventures of Flying Back Home
On my last day, Chris walked me to the subway stop at noon so that I could go back to the airport. I caught the subway train the second I entered the station! I sat down in the subway car, and after it took off I realized I didn’t have my cell phone. Doom! I had to get out of the car at the next stop and go up and around to the other track to go back to the station I started from.
The pull-out handle on my carry-on bag had jammed, so I had to carry it with one hand while I balanced a heavy tote bag on my other shoulder.
Meanwhile, Chris had gotten home and had seen my cell phone plugged into the wall charging. He ran back to the station thinking I was still waiting for a car. When he got there, he went in every door of the car to see if he could find me. Since he couldn’t, he got in it and rode to the next stop, where I had gotten out to return to the first stop(!)
A nice lady in my subway car back let me use her cell phone to call Chris, but there isn’t any reception until we get on the main level. So once I got up there, I called and Chris hurriedly hung up to rush over with my phone. Happily, I wouldn’t have to lug the carry-on bag any further so I just waited…and waited…and waited….I started to wonder what was taking so long…and then, Chris came running out of the subway station when I had expected to see him come in from the street! I said, “Why are you coming from that direction?!” That’s when I found out he had to wait for the subway to bring him back to square one. Lol!
I got to the airport in time and found out that my flight was delayed for two hours, and wouldn’t leave until 7 pm. But the boarding time was still 3:30 pm…(??) I didn’t have a clue why that should be, so I continued on.
I went through the TSA pre-check line which I paid extra for so that I wouldn’t have to stand in the long line and take my shoes off and all that. An alarm sounded and I was told, “Oh, you are randomly chosen to go through the complete security process”(!) I told them I paid to avoid it and I really didn’t want to go through the scan because of the radioactivity. I would rather get patted down than subject my body to that. The security guard just said, “Mmhmm,” and made me take my shoes off and go through it. Then he said there were spots on the scan that were suspicious and called for a female security guard to pat me down(!) There was absolutely nothing metallic on me, she discovered that, and I was waved on.
I got to the gate in time for the 3:30 pm boarding, and found out that the boarding time wasn’t until 6:30 now. I asked why they had not changed the boarding time so that we passengers would know that, and the clerk said their database was not set up to do that.
I went to get something to eat and when I returned by 6:30, it was announced that our flight was cancelled. We were given a sheet of paper to take to Delta, where we had to wait in the long ticket line. When I got my ticket, I had to go through security all over again, and this time I didn’t have TSA pre-check on my boarding pass. But this time they didn’t even make me take my shoes off nor go through a scan nor get patted down(!)
While I waited to board, Delta announced that our plane was delayed. I discovered that the reason was that the pilots had not gotten back from their last flight yet. Eventually, I found out that the reason so many flights were delayed and cancelled was because the pilots were having a hard time coming back from locations affected by the hurricane.
Finally, our pilot arrived and we were immediately boarded onto the plane. Delta was offering to check carry-on bags at no charge to anyone who volunteered. I was relieved to get rid of that heavy carry-on bag with the broken handle that I had carried all over the airport all day. Sigh!
It was a nice, smooth ride back…but I didn’t arrive until after midnight. My husband picked me up, but we didn’t get to go out together for the evening as we had planned. I was sore and exhausted. But I was safely home!
Thank you to all of the Forever Fierce members who wished me a safe trip home! 😀
Special thanks to the photographers of the Chico’s NYC meetup: Kenya Pickles Jones and James!

If you are a woman of style who would like to join Forever Fierce: the Midlife Revolution, you are welcome to join in!
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Thank you for coming and sharing your fabulous story. It touched my heart. Sending you the biggest hugs. So blessed to have the women of Forever Fierce together.
Hi, Catherine — Thank you for the opportunity that women have because of your group! XO —
I love this post Angie!! I’m in shock over the price of the plane fare!! I’m really glad you were able too fly there NYC!! If you hadn’t, we would have never met!!!!!
Thanks, Cathe! I am in shock that such a wonderful weekend just happened for me. 😀