Do You Want to Know About a Miracle Cream I Tested?
Are you looking for a moisturizer that takes the place of Botox? If you want to look like age doesn’t matter, read on…
I’ve been blessed with oily skin up until I had children. That kept my skin from drying out and wrinkling. But I’ve also been cursed with rosacea and contact dermatitis my whole life. Looking back at photos of my jolly-looking rosy-cheeked grandfather, I must have inherited rosacea from him.
My skin was breaking out way after my teenage years were over. I didn’t know why I was having to battle it for so long! So I went to a dermatologist who diagnosed the rosacea and contact dermatitis. I have depended ever since on the cream prescribed for me by the doctor. Happily it not only kept my skin clear, but it also diminished fine lines on my face as I got older.
In the past year I had different health insurance coverage. At the same time, I was running out of my prescription. When I tried to get refills, I discovered that the new insurance did not cover it. I tried to get alternatives, but they were not covered either. All of them were priced at over $100. (Any comments about the U.S. health insurance industry and the U.S. pharmaceutical companies?)
I had gotten free samples of Simply Venom (SV) skin cream at a blogger event last summer — a day cream and a night cream. Because I may be allergic to any new skin products, I tried just a little of the night cream in place of my prescription cream. The night cream didn’t make my skin break out, so I tried the day cream. This also did not cause any problems with my sensitive skin. In fact, I noticed immediate improvement in moisture and smoothness.
So I let the company know that I liked their skin care products. They were so happy, that they sent me full sizes. I tried the day and night creams every day for 28 days, as they recommend.
All of these sample products were given to me with no strings attached. So this is not a sponsored post. I am going to tell you exactly how Simply Venom worked for me.
This is how it turned out:
These creams are super hydrating. They make the skin feel smooth and moist upon application.
Since using up my prescription cream and trying alternatives, my skin had broken out big time. After just three days of using Simply Venom, there was already an improvement. My skin was clearing up.
After a few weeks, I could tell that dry skin and wrinkles were smoothing out. My skin was also firmer.
I have always slept best on my stomach or at least on my side with my head snuggled into the pillows. I know that sleeping that way causes wrinkles, but when I can’t sleep this is the only position that works for me. After turning 60, I was waking up with pillow creases and wrinkles impressed onto the side of my face that I slept on. After a few weeks of using Simply Venom, that was no longer happening. My skin was bouncing back to normal more like it always did when I was younger.
The only problem I detected after a few weeks of using SV was brown spots, or age spots, which were caused by a lifetime of sun exposure. I had been using the SV on my neck and decolletage, which were benefitting as much as my face. But when brown spots began to show up on my chest, I discontinued applying it there and they cleared up.
I discovered that when you use Simply Venom, you can say goodbye to eye creams, serums and moisture masks. When I used SV instead of eye cream, the skin under my eyes improved, becoming smoother and less wrinkled.
The makers of SV are anesthesiologists Dr. Monica Lilore and Dr. Milija Milic. On their website home page, they explain that they were inspired by the power of Temple Viper snake venom.
“Our active ingredient was inspired by snake venom,” say the makers of Simply Venom. “But our products don’t actually contain any. They contain a unique combination of ingredients that mimic some of snake venom’s method of action…Snake venom appealed to us as anesthesiologists because it works like the muscle relaxants we use every day in the operating room…The peptide complex was formulated to reduce the contraction frequency of muscle cells to fight wrinkles.”
The doctors infused a powerful peptide complex with proven collagen-forming ingredients that plump the skin while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Peptides have been proven to deliver effects similar to medical-grade injectables, without the risks. In a study by the US National Library of Medicine/National Institutes of Health reported that collagen-like peptides exhibit “a remarkable anti-wrinkle effect on the skin when topically applied.”
Drs. Lilore and Milic believe in transparency, so they list their peptide complex and the purified yeast ferment that’s added to enhance the delivery of the peptides.
The night cream packs the most power through an intense hydrating formula that increases moisture retention, decreases skin roughness and improves skin elasticity; supports skin’s natural collagen; brightens skin while smoothing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles; and boosts topical delivery of peptides. So although the day and night cream work together by giving you double the treatment, you can still get results by using just the night cream when you start out.
I hope this review is helpful to you. If you try Simply Venom, let us know how it works for you!

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