Age doesn't matter.

What is More Beautiful than Love?

I was just thinking about how beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as they say.  When someone loves you, you are always beautiful to them.  In fact, age doesn’t matter…because for those who stay married for a lifetime, they still see the beauty of the person they fell in love with no matter how much time goes on.  That’s shared love.

What Is More Beautiful Than Love?

I hope that you will feel inspired to show and love your true self after contemplating the thoughts below.


Beauty seen through the filter of love doesn’t seem to fade or go away. That’s when age doesn’t matter.   

Opening your heart to love is perhaps the most beautiful thing you can do.  It makes you healthy, it makes you happy, and it makes you shine with a light that comes from within.  Your love touches all those who are lucky enough to benefit from knowing you.  It makes them look deeper into your eyes and thereby your soul, where they can see your true self…the self that is ageless.

While you share love, you should also feel free to express your true self in words, actions and looks.  You deserve to give yourself as much love as you give to others.  Never give up your authenticity.

I always like to encourage your self expression with the clothes you wear.  What’s important about what you wear is that it’s a reflection of you.

But today, instead of writing an outfit post, I just want to remind you that what it all comes down to is love.  After all the fashion and beauty efforts you make, the most sparkly thing to top it all off with is lots of love.

My Love to You All,



Did this inspire you in any way?  Do you have stories to share about seeing the beauty in your loved ones?  We would love to hear from you! Please leave a reply in the comments below.

And There’s More to Explore!

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    • Tell Us About Love is a great choice for the challenge. The poetry in your post conveys how love feels in a beautiful way. Thanks for stopping by – Angie

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