How to Make the Most of the Age You Are Now
Make the Most of the Age You Are Now!
It’s time for our weekly edition of Fashion Flash! We are a group of bloggers, all of a certain age and we help each other and our many, many readers make the most of the present moment in time…no moaning, no thoughts about lost youth. Age doesn’t matter because our true selves are ageless. You’ve noticed that you still feel like the same person on the inside, right? So we concentrate on helping you to make the most of the age you are now.
It’s a matter of positive thinking, keeping active and, of course, making use of the best cosmetics and favorable fashion. The bloggers in our group cover beauty, health and fitness, fashion, lifestyle, travel and reinvention of our best selves.
In each weekly edition of Fashion Flash, we each take a turn at hosting a collection of blog posts from the others. This week’s host is Inka of Glamour Granny Travels.
Click on her name below, take a look at her blog and while you’re there get inspired by all of the other blogs too. There is something for everybody and the topics of interest are bound to lift your spirits about your continuing journey in life. Along with all of the other topics, you’ll also find my featured post this week: “How to Look Cool and Casual Yet Special at a Barbecue.”
About Our Host 
Inka is a freelance travel writer and photographer. She created Glamour Granny Travels to encourage women of a certain age who, in theory, love to travel but do not yet really dare to go out and actually DO it.
Inka shows you the best travel destinations, shares her adventures and tells you how to be safe. She talks travel fashion, beauty tips, local customs and a lot more. Once you have read a few posts and looked at a few pictures, you’ll probably want to run to the nearest travel agent and book a trip! Or, if you are already an old hand at solo travel, you’ll be inspired to discover new dream destinations and tick them off one by one from your bucket list.
Glamour Granny Travels has been included as no.6 on the Top 10 boomer travel blogs2015 to follow on the flipkey list, and she is a regular contributor to GoNomad, allexciting, and many others. Not only that, but Inka’s novel The Househusbands’ Club won Readers Favorite Award 2009 in it’s category of chick-lit.
So click on Inka’s blog, Glamour Granny Travels, HERE to check out her travel posts and all the other Fashion Flash featured posts of the week. Enjoy!
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