What is the Fountain of Youth Really?
Age doesn’t matter once you’ve found the fountain of youth.Who hasn’t heard the legend of the Spanish Conquistador Juan Ponce de León’s quest for a fountain of youth in 1513? Nowadays, there is a quest for the lotion or potion that can restore youth, both by people who would like to reverse the signs of aging and by companies who would like to make money from it. And what about lifelong health? There is also a quest to this day for a magical elixir, such as the fountain of youth, that would restore the vim and vigor of youth. It hasn’t been found yet, so what is the fountain of youth really?
Sign for the alleged Fountain of Youth courtesy of GoodFreePhotos
If the fountain of youth had actually been found, it would either be drunk dry by now or it would be on the market for huge sums of money, right?
What many health experts and doctors say is that if we do not exercise regularly, our bodies will age. So I have concluded that exercise is the real “fountain of youth.”
Of course! It it has to be something that takes hard work, doesn’t it? Many would like to just get an operation or liposuction or something to suddenly make them slim and trim. But the safe, natural and realistic way to get the body we want is to work it. It’s not magical at all, or is it?
We can absolutely take the view that it actually is quite amazing that our bodies can naturally get fit and strong and full of energy. The more energy we put into exercising, the more energy we have. Why not take advantage of this free daily dose of aliveness?
It’s not that hard when you take part in a form of exercise that you love. I, myself, can’t wait to go to an outdoor pool and swim on sunny summer days. I love to hike or ride horseback through the autumn woods. I love to dance. I enjoy skiing, especially flying downhill but also exploring cross-country. I like to see new neighborhoods or vacation destinations or parks by biking or skating through them.
Granted, I don’t always fit these things into my work schedule but it’s worth trying. It’s fun, it feels good and it looks good on you.
What is your favorite form of exercise? Do you grant yourself the joy of partaking in it? Your body will thank you.
I believe that energy is youth, and that exercise is the fountain of youth. What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.
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