Age doesn't matter.

5 Things You Need to Do After Your Workout

If exercise is the fountain of youth, you probably want to be sure to motivate yourself to keep up a regular exercise schedule.  And once you get started, you’ll want to do it right for optimal results.  Age doesn’t matter.  Here are 5 things to do for the best workout that are clean and healthy for you and others too! 

This is a guest post by exercise and fitness writer Nicole Pore. 

The hardest part of working out and exercising is actually making the first step to begin the journey. It’s because you have to be driven and dedicated to what you are about to embark upon. While that is true, you must not forget that how you end your workout is also important. 

With every workout you put in, there are a few important things that you must neither ignore nor forget. Below are 5 things to do for the best workout:    


Fitbiz cool down

Before exercising, you have to warm up. This is vital so that your body won’t be shocked and traumatized. Your body needs to adjust first because you just came from being physically inactive; if you immediately start exercising intensely, your body will surely be surprised that it will also surprise you with pain when you wake up the next morning.

The same concept goes with cool-down exercises. But, of course, the reason is the other way around. You’ve just finished vigorous workout routines and exercise dances, so you cannot just stop in an instant. It’s dangerous to do so because you have to bring your heart rate down gradually first before totally halting. 

Just as an event needs a closing remark, your workout also needs a proper closing. And that’s through executing cool-down exercises for around ten to fifteen minutes. 

There are tons of cool-down exercise routines, but all of them are done while you’re already more relaxed. It’s like you’re literally just waiting with your heart rate as it moderately goes back to normal. 

Cool-down exercises include stretching, walking, light jogging, swimming, jumping jacks, yoga and many more. See to it that before you completely end cooling down, your body is fully alright and your heart rate returned.  


woman holding blue plastic bottle
Photo by Engin Akyurt on

There’s no need for a reminder to drink water, but many tend to overlook, forget or even ignore this important thing. 

Some do so because they do not like drinking water. There are people who do not like the taste of water. Some don’t like water that comes with certain flavors. Besides the special kinds of water like alkaline water and coconut water that do leave aftertastes, you can drink tasteless purified and distilled drinking water. Just drink! Water is indispensable!

Meanwhile, some do not drink water just because they think that their energy drinks are enough. Keep in mind that water is still necessary, and nothing beats it.  

You lose a lot of water content from your body as you sweat off while working out, and you cannot just leave the room like that! You have to get water back, replenish and rehydrate! You can do that by consuming plenty of water. 

Drinking water is chief for total recovery after a concentrated and tiring workout. It’s better if you have your own bottled water, so you won’t need to go out to buy one after workout! Remember, even if you don’t feel thirsty after exercising, which is most likely impossible, drink H2O. 


Fitbiz Source - The Indepent
Source:  The Independent

Just like drinking water, washing up is something you shouldn’t think twice about. When you work out, you sweat a lot and your body sticks to exercise equipment you use such as mats and machines. In certain instances, you also get in contact with other people’s bodies in the gym. Just think of it, and it can be a distasteful thought! 

Make sure that after you rest a bit, you freshen up with a shower and a set of newly taken out clothes! This is for you and for the people around you. 

Maintaining proper hygiene is all-important for your health. Don’t wear your workout clothes again right after showering. Use your extra shirt. What’s the good of a fit and good-looking body if it isn’t clean?


Fitbiz weights

Wherever you are, at home or inside the gym, make sure that you store all the exercise equipment where they should be placed, kept and well-positioned. That means they must also be clean before you put them in their closets, cases or bags. 

How the exercise area looks when you arrived must be the same when you leave the place. It means that you must put away all the exercise equipment which are not supposed to be lying just anywhere. This is especially correct and respectful if someone will be using the venue after you.


Fitbiz machines

Always keep in mind that sanitation and health are among the major things a person has to consider in every aspect of life. Not only should your body be kept clean but also your surroundings, because the two are essentially related to each other. 

You’ll likely sweat a lot. It’s just proper that after working out and before leaving, you wipe, wash and clean the place and all the materials you used which aren’t yours. 


In working out, the last things you do are as important as the first. Make sure that you duly take care from beginning to end, so everything goes well. Keep in mind, you are not done until you really are done!


Fitbiz writer

Nicole Ann Pore knows the importance of being fit, healthy and disciplined, and she shares her interest and knowledge about it through research and writing. From various exercise equipment and routines to the correlation of fitness to life, Nicole creates content that informs and even entertains. She also writes for Fitbiz Exercise Equipment, an excellent source of the ultimate fitness equipment collections in Australia. | Nicole graduated Cum Laude from De La Salle University Manila, Philippines with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Arts.

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This post is linked up with Stylish Monday at Pearls and Pantsuits and with the Fancy Friday Linkup Party at Nancy’s Fashion Style.




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