What Happens at a Yoga Retreat on the Sea?
Hi! My sister and I just got back from the Ageless Beauty: Yoga & Wellness cruise to Cozumel. Hosted by Cindy Bartz, the yoga cruise had dozens of natural healing classes and events as well as private sessions to choose from. When you meet the instructors, you can see that when you practice wellness techniques age doesn’t matter because they are all glowing with vitality. So what happens at a yoga retreat on the sea? Let me tell you a little about it and share with you what I learned.The weather wasn’t the greatest because of a storm that passed through, making the waters choppy. That made my first snorkeling adventure a little difficult, but I saw a baby shark and other fascinating sea life and had a fun trip overall.
I am sharing some of the information that I got from yoga classes on the cruise. Take a look and learn about whatever interests you. I hope it is helpful. And if you end up much healthier, come back and let me know!
Yoga Classes that were offered on the cruise:

Besides all these class offerings that I list below, there was a meet & greet, a special party with hors d’oeuvres before a formal dinner and kirtan music (a group call-and-response chant with music). There were classes on:
- The 5 Yamas: yoga off the mat
- Ayurveda
- Breath empowerment
- Chakra clearing and balancing
- Crystals
- Disease prevention
- Divine sleep yoga Nidra
- Essential oils
- Gentle yoga & yoga Nidra meditation with live handpan music
- MELT treatment balls
- Memory maintenance yoga
- Meditations, including one with Tibetan singing bowls
- Oxygen: the secret to longevity
- Pilates
- Pranayama & evening meditation with live handpan music
- Qigong
- Restorative yoga infused with Reiki and essential oils with live handpan music
- Sunrise yoga: 1) for the spine, 2) for the hips and 3) lengthen, strengthen, soften & flow
- Yoga flow
- And much more…
A Sampling of What We Experienced in Our Yoga Classes
Here is a brief description of seven classes my sister and I attended. Following these is information that was handed out in these classes, which the instructors generously permitted me to share with you. Three of these classes were about clearing and balancing the energy centers of the body, called chakras.
- I took “Chakra Yoga and Essential Oils” from Cindy Bartz and Patti Stevens. We used the corresponding oil, sound and yoga pose for each chakra. Cindy demonstrated the sounds and the poses, while Patti dispensed each essential oil blend and indicated where to apply it. As we did all this, we were meditating on clearing our chakras.
- I also took “Oxygen: the Secret to Longevity” from Anna Hood. She explained how oxygen heals us; gave examples; mentioned that there are expensive products that can simply be replaced by deep breathing and alkaline food and water; and then she demonstrated some deep breathing techniques. You can see her class handouts below.
- My sister took “MELT: for Anti-Aging” and “MELT Method: for Feet” from Anna Zerinque. MELT is a bodywork method that uses soft balls for acupressure.
- My sister and I both took “Chakra 101” and “Enhance Your Meditation with Crystals” from Patti Stevens. The meditation was on clearing chakras and each participant was given the choice of two free crystals. “Chakra 101” covered the seven main chakras, as shown below from the chart we were given in class.
Please find information about the instructors at the end of this post.
Chakra 101, and Chakra Yoga & Essential Oils :
In Chakra 101, Patti Stevens distributed a leaflet that explained the seven main chakras. In Chakra Yoga & Essential Oils, Patti and Cindy distributed a leaflet with Chakra General Information. I have combined the two below.
There are seven main centers in your body that energy flows through. Energy that is blocked in these chakras can cause illness, weaken the immune system and stress the body. Learning to balance each chakra to keep the energy moving and flowing builds your physical, emotional, spiritual and mental health.
The Seven Chakras are:
- The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine. When in balance, you feel safe and secure and experience balance and stability. An affirmation to energize the root chakra is “I am safe, secure and stable. I am at peace with who I am.” The related color of this chakra is red and its element is earth. The mantra to activate it is C, Oohm or LAM. Essential oils that balance this chakra are cedarwood, frankincense, myrrh, vetiver and patchouli. Crystals that balance this chakra are bloodstone, garnet, red agate and ruby. Asanas are the Easy Seated Pose (with crossed legs), Child’s Pose, Mountain Pose, Bridge Pose, Warrior II and Savasana.
- The Sacral Chakra is located directly beneath the navel. When in balance, you feel creative, express your sexuality and experience authentic creation. An affirmation to energize the sacral chakra is “I am creating a life of harmony and a life of happiness.” The related color of this chakra is orange and its element is water. The mantra to activate it is D, Ohm or VAM. Essential oils that balance this chakra are bergamot, clary sage, patchouli, wild orange, rose, sandalwood and ylang-ylang. Crystals that balance this chakra are carnelian, citrine, orange calcite and moonstone. Asanas are the Cat/Cow, Reclined Twist (feet on mat), Low Lunge, Goddess, Squat Pose, Seated Butterfly and Reclined Butterfly.
- The Solar Plexus Chakra is located directly above the navel. When in balance, you feel confident and powerful and recognize your self worth. An affirmation to energize the solar chakra is “I am valuable, capable and successful in my endeavors.” The related color of this chakra is yellow and its element is fire. The mantra to activate it is E, Ahm or RAM. Essential oils that balance this chakra are black pepper, coriander, cedarwood, clove, ginger, grapefruit, lemongrass, peppermint and rosemary. Crystals that balance this chakra are amber, citrine, golden topaz and sunstone. Asanas are the Plank, Rabbit, Warrior 3, Crescent Lunge, Boat Pose, Seated Twist and Scissors.
- The Heart Chakra surrounds the heart. When in balance, you feel love, joy and inner peace. An affirmation to energize the heart chakra is “I accept and love myself and others unconditionally.” The related color of this chakra is green and its element is air. The mantra to activate it is F, Ah or YAM. Essential oils that balance this chakra are bergamot, cypress, geranium, jasmine, lavender, lemon, wild orange and ylang-ylang. Crystals that balance this chakra are amazonite, emerald, green calcite and green agate. Asanas are Upward Facing Dog, Cobra, Camel, Reverse Warrior, Bow Pose, Wheel and Fish Pose.
- The Throat Chakra is located in the center of the neck. When in balance, you express yourself, communicate with the world, are honest and hold secrets. An affirmation to energize the throat chakra is “I communicate with grace, truth and clarity.” The related color of this chakra is blue and its element is sound. The mantra to activate it is G, Ehm or HAM. Essential oils that balance this chakra are basil, bergamot, chamomile, cypress, peppermint and wintergreen. Crystals that balance this chakra are angelite, aquamarine, blue sapphire and turquoise. Asanas are Neck Releases and stretches (circles, side to side, etc.), Lion, Shoulder Stand, Plough Pose and Ujjaii Breath.
- The Third Eye Chakra is located in the middle of the forehead. When in balance, you see the big picture, use your imagination, are creative and make decisions. An affirmation to energize the third eye chakra is “I will follow the path the divine is showing me to find purpose.” The related color of this chakra is indigo and its element is light. The mantra to activate it is A, Eem or OM. Essential oils that balance this chakra are clary sage, marjoram, lemongrass, patchouli, focus blend and sandalwood. Crystals that balance this chakra are amethyst, blue quartz, charoite, kyanite and sodalite. Asanas are Humble Warrior, Eye Yoga, Eagle Pose, Child’s Pose (third eye on mat) and Seated Forward Fold.
- The Crown Chakra is located at the top center of the head. When in balance, you connect with your inner spiritual self. An affirmation to energize the crown chakra is “I am a beautiful person. I am one with myself and the Divine”; or “I am a child of God and connected with the Divine.” The related color of this chakra is violet or white and its element is thought. The mantra to activate it is B, Om or OM. Essential oils that balance this chakra are cedarwood, frankincense, helicrysum, lavender, lemon, roman chamomile, sandalwood and rose. Crystals that balance this chakra are clear quartz, diamond, moonstone and purple fluorite. Asanas are the Tree Pose, Forward Fold, Half Moon (L & R), Head to Knee, Dolphin Pose, Downward Facing Dog, Head Stand, Alternate Nostril Breathing, Sun Salutations, Moon Salutations and Thunderbolt.
Enhance Your Meditation With Crystals:
Above is Patti Stevens‘ crystal grid in “Enhance Your Meditation with Crystals”. Later, these crystals were mixed into a bowl and passed around for the class participants to keep and use.
In this class, Patti distributed a leaflet with these brief descriptions of six main crystals and how they are used:
- Quartz is the most powerful healing stone of the mineral kingdom. It is able to work on any condition. Clear quartz is known as the stone of power and amplifies any energy or intention. It protects against negativity, attunes to your higher self and relieves pain.
- Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Calming and reassuring, it helps to comfort in times of grief. Rose quartz dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibrations.
- Amethyst is a natural tranquilizer. It relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage , fear and anxiety. It alleviates sadness and grief and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities.
- Citrine promotes motivation, activates creativity and encourages self-expression. It enhances concentration and revitalizes the mind. Citrine releases negative traits, depression, fears and phobias. It is emotionally balancing.
- Obsidian is truth-enhancing. A strongly protective stone, it forms a shield against negativity. It blocks psychic attack and absorbs negative energies from the environment. Obsidian draws out mental stress and tension.
- Selenite is a calming stone that instills deep peace and is excellent for meditation or spiritual work. It assists judgement and insight. It clears confusion and aids in seeing the deeper picture. Selenite aligns the spinal column and promotes flexibility.
MELT Method for Anti-Aging:
Anna Zeringue talked about the MELT method and its anti-aging effects. She distributed a bonus leaflet on “Tips for Great-Looking Skin.”
- Drink water consistently. It’s not about the volume of water you drink; it’s the consistency that really helps your cells stay hydrated and active.
- Eat lots of fruits, veggies and foods with antioxidants to keep your body hydrated and free of inflammation. See list below for examples.
- Exfoliate at least three times a week. Vibrational tools like the Clarisonic brush also activate the superficial cells of your connective tissue and bring blood flow to the local regions of your face! Dry brushing the body, jumping on a rebounder 15 minutes and inversion are also beneficial for blood flow and lymphatics.
- Get a good night’s sleep. Aim for a minimum of seven hours of sleep in a pitch-black room. Restful sleep means fewer bags and dark circles under your eyes.
- Don’t let your weight fluctuate as you will cause issues in the fat-to-collagen ratio in the superficial layers of your tissue, causing cellulite lumps and sagging skin.
- Wear sunscreen when you go outside. Excessive sunlight can be damaging to your skin and will dehydrate the superficial layers of your connective tissue system. Eating superfoods such as gogi berries will give you natural protection.
- Work up a sweat! If you exercise, you will always have healthier-looking skin. Activities such as meditation, yoga, pilates and Melting also help reduce stress and its effects on the body.
- Recommended foods include: avocados, blueberries, bone broth, capers, coconut oil, cucumbers, eggs, fermented foods, gogi berries, raspberries, salmon and strawberries. Lots of vitamin C, zinc and probiotics are also beneficial.
- Use collagen-boosting and hydrating moisturizers such as shea butter and coconut oil to reduce wrinkles and promote tissue regeneration.
- Add a few drops of essential oils such as Frankincense and lavender to a carrier oil such as jojoba or to your moisturizer every day to support glowing skin.

Oxygen: The Secret to Longevity
In this class, Anna Hood distributed a synopsis of ways to get more oxygen and live a better life.
Need More Energy?
Reach for…
- Breath
- Water
- Plant-based foods

Daily To-Do’s for a Better Life
- Eliminate or minimize time spent with toxic people.
- Laugh more.
- Dance more.
- Give yourself permission to have fun!
- Eat more oxygenating foods & drink more oxygenating beverages.
- Slow down and BE PRESENT as you go through your day – focus only on what you’re doing or what’s happening IN THE MOMENT.
- Do 4-7-8 breathing every day, just like you brush your teeth 🙂 This is a breathing pattern developed by Dr. Andrew Weil.
Write down 3 oxygenating (alkaline) foods or drinks you will eat/drink for the next 30 days.
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Write down one oxygenating activity you will add to your day for the next 30 days (from the lists above).
About the Instructors mentioned in this post:
Cindy Bartz, Founder and CEO of InterConnections-LLC, is a self-published author, speaker and coach specializing in Yoga, Qigong and Food-Healing. Her signature program is “Reversing Osteoporosis Naturally.” Cindy began practicing yoga after a serious bicycling accident in 2005. Yoga and Qigong healed her body. In 2010, when she was diagnosed with Osteopenia, she researched how to reverse osteoporosis naturally. After creating and following a specific diet and exercise program, her DEXA scan was back to normal range by 2012.
Anna Hood is an independent distributor of Organo coffee. The company offers herbal beverages, nutraceuticals and personal care products.
Karen Scott didn’t start practicing yoga until after she retired as a Spanish teacher. Now she is a yoga instructor at Ochsner Fitness Center.
Patti Stevens, of Live Balanced Naturally, is a soul realignment practitioner and a Reiki Master/teacher. She also teaches about essential oils, yoga, pilates and ageless lifestyle programs.
Anna Zeringue is a licensed Occupational Therapist who opened a holistic private practice in 2006. She is certified in Pilates, Therapeutic Exercise, Yoga, MELT and Food Healing.
The Next “Ageless Beauty: Yoga & Wellness” Cruise
Cindy Bartz has set the next “Ageless Beauty: Yoga & Wellness” cruise for January 14-18, 2021. For more information, check back at Cindy Bartz: Yoga & Wellness HERE.
Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. I was not compensated to write this account and I paid the full price for my travel and classes.
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This post is linked up with Top of the World Style linkup at High Latitude Style.
Thanks for visiting Your True Self Blog!
Great photos. They nicely document the vibe. Thanks for sharing this interesting and helpful post with my audience at the Top of the World Style linkup party.
Thanks for hosting the Top of the World Style linkup party and inviting me! Your post on how to style different looks with a knit dress was very well done.
WOW — awesome post Angie! Lots of great info on the classes that were offered. It’s great being together on a vacation with like-minded people… they become instant friends! Namaste’
Thanks, Cindy! It’s interesting that we can have more than one tribe…one for each set of interests? I have to say, you are one awesome organizer!
Great to finally meet you in person, Angie. And thanks for such a great blog about the cruise. Hope more will join us next year!
It was an honor to meet you, Patti! I enjoyed your coverage of chakras, crystals and essential oils.