Welcome June with 11 of the Best Bloggers and Podcasters
I have the honor to help you welcome June with 11 of the best bloggers and podcasters for women over 40. This latest edition of Fashion Flash e-magazine is hosted by a new member of our team: Phyllis at the blog Follow Phyllis. Click on her name below to be transported to her website where you can browse your favorite topics from beauty to fashion, fitness, wellness and summer reads. So take some time just for you to relax and enjoy what we have in store for you!In This Issue:
What 11 of the best bloggers and podcasters are featuring as we begin the month of June:
- Four little everyday mistakes that might be hurting your health
- A perfect solution for the warm compress
- How to wear the popular athleisure look
- The signs of skin cancer
- How to look more youthful
- Staying safe and stylish in the sun
- Subscription to the Menopause Cheat Sheet free newsletter
- A brush that will change your hair for the better
- Answers to your questions about how to fulfill your fitness promise
- Review of a summer romance novel
- Your choice of the latest posts at Follow Phyllis
About Our Host:
Phyllis created a healthy lifestyle for herself and embraces the beauty of a woman over 60. In her blog, Follow Phyllis, she invites you to join her in creating a new more youthful, healthier, sexy self. Ultimately, she loves to feel and look good. She encourages you to join with her to redefine baby boomers with a realistic approach to being your best at any age. Check out her food, fitness, fashion and lifestyle blog. And while you’re there, welcome June with 11 of the best bloggers and podcasters for women over 40. All you have to do is click on Phyllis at Follow Phyllis HERE.
Enjoy visiting Fashion Flash! And when you’re done, please come back and leave a reply below to tell us what you find helpful there.
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Beauty, Fashion Flash, Lifelong Health, Link Love, Ways to Wear It
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