This Week, 5 Bloggers Give Their Best Tips for a More Beautiful and Healthy Lifestyle
Welcome to the Beauty Spotlight Team’s weekly blog roundup! Today, five of us are sharing tips to help you have a more beautiful and healthy lifestyle. Our topics range from velvet outfit inspiration to an A+ holiday candle, from protecting yourself from “computer face” to protecting your skin’s moisture barrier and to journaling for wellness. There’s something for everyone. Age doesn’t matter.We hope you’ll take a few moments to visit us. Just click on your favorite subjects below to learn more. Enjoy!
Tips for a More Beautiful & Healthy Lifestyle:
Your True Self Blog has a Velvet Outfits Series that culminates with four style tips in one post. These tips are meant to inspire you with velvet looks, from simple to spectacular, to wear for evenings and holidays. Age doesn’t matter. You may be surprised by how many outfit combinations you can come up with using these tips!
The Archipelago Botanicals Jar Candle in Peppermint is the embodiment of the holidays, and its delectable aroma earns an A+ from Lola’s Secret Beauty Blog.
Taking care of one’s mental health should take priority above all else. Wellness Warrior shares different types of journals for mental health that can be used to express oneself in a way that feels most comfortable. There are journals for Gratitude, Fitness, Mindfulness and more. Take a look!
Computers have benefits but also drawbacks. Prolonged computer use can harm your eyes, weight, blood sugar, and blood pressure and cause premature aging. “Computer face” or “tech face” is the term used to describe the premature aging effects of prolonged exposure to a computer screen. To learn more, read Barbie’s Beauty Bits article Computer Face: What Is It?
Protecting your skin’s barrier is so important, especially in the winter. Allison from Never Say Die Beauty recommends that you consider new Paula’s Choice Barrier Repair Advanced Moisturizer and give it a try. She loves it, and hopefully, you will too!
And There’s More!
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This post is linked up with Fancy Friday at Nancy’s Fashion Style.
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Beauty Spotlight Team, Link Love
Anti-Aging, Candles, Health and Wellness, Holiday, Lifestyle, Skin Care, Style Tips, Velvet, Weekly Blog Roundup
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