Are You an Empath? Imagine How the Dazzling Light Jacket Can Help
Are you an empath? Many of you are. I have just been discovering that I am but never knew it before. If you would like to find out if you are as well, keep reading because I will explain it below.I recently heard about a beautiful jacket that you will love to know about. It’s more glorious than any other piece of clothing you could possibly wear and it’s free.
I found out about it when listening to Kryon through Lee Carroll on YouTube recently. I want to introduce this gorgeous new topper to you. It will keep you comfortable and happy as you go through the tumultuous times that we are navigating in the world around us…because it is magic! Nobody needs to know about it but you. Shhh… 😉
This is an exercise in visualization. In this post, I am illustrating some ways for you to imagine your ideal light jacket by showing a variety of real-life jackets you can actually buy. That is, if you want to add a dimension of tangibility to your dreams.

Are You an Empath?
“A person who is highly attuned to the energies and emotions of those around them may be considered an empath. Empaths are said to feel what others are feeling so deeply that they ‘absorb’ or ‘take on’ the emotions themselves, often at the expense of their own emotional well-being.” That is according to Crystal Raypole and medically reviewed by Bethany Juby, PsyD, in “What Is an Empath and How Do You Know if You Are One?” at Healthline.
Bohemian Style Unisex Iridescent Sequin Jacket Ethnic Design Hoody by GlowByAys at Etsy is an example of what you might visualize to cover you in a cloak of protection from head to foot.
15 Signs That You Might Be an Empath
Here’s what Raypole says are the 15 signs that you might be an empath:
- You have a lot of empathy. But, of course!
- Closeness and intimacy can overwhelm you
- You have good intuition
- You take comfort in nature
- You don’t do well in crowded places
- You have a hard time not caring
- People tend to tell you their problems
- You have a high sensitivity to smells, sounds, or sensations
- You need time to recharge
- You don’t like conflict
- You often feel like you don’t fit in
- You tend to isolate
- You have a hard time setting boundaries
- You see the world in unique ways
- You sometimes find it tough to cope with sensory and emotional overload
So What Is the Light Jacket That Can Help an Empath?

Lee Carroll is an American channeler, speaker, and author. Carroll has authored thirteen books on channelings from an entity who introduces itself as “Kryon of Magnetic Service.” In addition to these, Carroll has also co-authored three books on what he terms indigo children, a new generation of children he claims represents an evolution in human consciousness.
To cut straight to the description of the light jacket, go to time marker 10:30.
In this channeling, called “Are Human Beings Evolving?” Kryon gives the gift of a light jacket. It is like Harry Potter’s Cloak of Invisibility because it’s a magical topper that you conjure up with your imagination and intuition. You end up with emotional and spiritual protection in the most fun and playful way.

Here’s a synopsis of what Kryon says:
It’s valuable. It’s beautiful. I would like to introduce the light jacket: a beautiful, iridescent jacket of shining light. When you put it on, it shimmers, reflects and absorbs. The rate of reflection and absorption are up to you. It reflects away all of the energy that is unwanted by you. When you put it on and walk through a crowd, it only absorbs what you want to feel and attract.

Claim it, allow it and put it on. Expect and intend for it to work and it will. Go out to where you don’t want to be and try it out. Then smile and thank your jacket for protecting you from the stress of the world around you.

In Conclusion
I find this visualization exciting and fulfilling. It feels wonderful! Do you agree?
You can pretend you are putting on any kind of light jacket you would like the most. And if you want even more help with your visualization, you could even buy a real jacket that sparkles and shines. Then all that is left for you to do is imagine it has special powers to protect you from all of the stressors around you.
I hope you enjoy wearing your light jacket, whether it’s real or imaginary. And I hope you get the benefit of the protection it provides. I’d love to hear about how this works out for you.
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I’ve never thought of myself as an empath, but I have many of the qualities listed. I will be wearing my light jacket lots in the coming months as my husband heals from not one but two hip replacements (the left hasn’t been done yet). Thanks for a thoughtful and thought provoking post, Angie!
Thanks, Marsha! I never thought of myself as one either, until recently when I began to notice how sensitive I am. Physical sensitivities such as the sense of smell, hearing, touch, taste and sight show up along with allergies. Included can be heightened intuition, emotions and spiritual sensitivities, or ESP. I wish for your light jacket to surround you with inner strength coming from the love energy of the One Source/One Force as you care for your beloved husband. XO – Angie