How to Give a Chic Edge to Business Outfits
It’s time for a style tip! Today I’m going to share with you how to give a chic edge to your business outfits. Age doesn’t matter. If you participate in any kind of business events, this look will add a modern vibe.Here’s How to Give an Edge to Your Business Outfits:

A studded belt and a t-shirt give a chic edge to a typical work outfit.
Here are some examples of how to style it:

- A long-sleeve tee tucked inside a skirt + a studded belt.

- A blazer belted with a studded belt over a t-shirt + trousers or a skirt. The blazer or jacket and the bottoms don’t have to be a perfect match. You can even match the color of the t-shirt to the jacket or bottoms, while the other piece is a different color. Keeping the colors all toned to the same color family looks more conservative.
- A suit + a t-shirt. Belt the bottoms with a studded belt.
- A cardigan + a t-shirt + a skirt or trousers. Add a studded belt to the bottoms or over the cardigan.

- A short-sleeve or long-sleeve t-shirt + matching-color skirt or trousers + a studded belt.
As I was creating this blog post, I discovered that a studded belt is a lot more versatile than I thought. You could switch out a t-shirt for a sweater or blouse if you like, as shown above. You can use a studded belt to add style to just about anything: over a dress whether it’s structured or loose, feminine or frilly; over a floral maxi-skirt; with a basic jeans and t-shirt outfit; over a coat; or even with shorts.

And There’s More…
I’m sure you probably have other typical work outfits that you can adapt with this style tip. Please share with us what works for you by leaving a reply below.
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Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any of the brands shown in this post, but if you click on the link under a photo you may be able to shop the item. This is purely for your benefit so that you can see how the style looks and have the chance to purchase something if you like it!
This post is linked up with Fancy Friday and Nancy’s Fashion Style.
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Accessories, Outfit Combinations, Style Tips, Ways to Wear It