About Me

A healthy lifestyle brings lifelong health, beauty and youthful energy. So I strive for that in my choices everyday. It’s so important that I include it throughout my blog.
I am now over 60 and want to show you how age doesn’t matter when it comes to expressing your free spirit: the you that always was, is and will be.
I live in Detroit with my husband, Russ. My husband has chosen to live here for over 30 years to work on behalf of social justice issues. I have chosen to stay here by his side out of love for this good man and his good work.
I have gone from poet and improvisational performance artist to full-time earth mother to creating infinite outfit combinations for fun and relaxation. In between, I worked in the arts field and in the public sector.
Always wearing something put together differently, in endlessly new ways, is a great inspiration to me. As time goes on, I am expressing and becoming my true self more and more. Clothes can be exciting when looked at as considered wearable art.
I am artistic and have a talent for writing and drawing. I’ve produced poetry shows and was a founding member of a multi-media, improvisational performance art group for 25 years. I feel lucky that when I joined Russ in Detroit in the 1980’s, I was able to be part of the counter-cultural, underground artist network that was thriving in the Cass Corridor area. It was an exciting time for creative artists, where we were breaking boundaries in our work.
I am passionate about the health and welfare of my loved ones, and all life forms on this planet—human life, animal life, plant life.
I started this blog because I wanted to work in fashion editing without having to relocate. I’ve since discovered that the best style is an expression of your body, mind and spirit.