Age doesn't matter.

Category: Age Doesn’t Matter

How to Carry a Backpack After a Certain Age

The lady in today’s feature photo indeed has elegant style.  She is Joyce Carpati, one of the subjects of Ari Cohen’s “Advanced Style” blog, movie and books.  She is proud to reveal that she is in her 80’s and going strong.  Here, she shows how to carry a backpack in a sophisticated way.  Age doesn’t matter.I decided to cover this subject after a professional lady of a certain age criticized the style of backpacks as only fit for very young women.  I thought to myself, “I like backpacks and would carry one myself from time to time.  Why not?” Continue Reading

Do You Want to be Told What to Wear in Your 60’s?


Sarah Jane Adams, Instagram star @saramaijewels and @mywrinklesaremystripes

There used to be articles showing what to wear in your 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. Then I saw articles showing what to wear in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. Then, once in awhile, I began to see a couple of articles showing what to wear in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and beyond. When I was in my 50’s, though, I didn’t necessarily want to wear what was shown for my age category. For instance, I like a more laid-back, bohemian look than “a suit or fitted blazer.” Now, tell me, do you want to be told what to wear in your 60’s?

You can google articles that tell you all sorts of things that you cannot wear in your 60’s, and some things that you can…mostly, there are lists of what you cannot wear anymore.  I’m sorry, I disagree. I have found that age doesn’t matter.

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How to Be Absolutely Radiant as You Get Older

Radiant Book
Naturally effective prescriptions for rejuvenation

“What prize is earned from having youthful, balanced hormones, a clean-machine body, expanded emotions and a conscious connection to one’s “true self”?  It is having a special form of radiance permeate and expand you.  This radiance exudes an energy that is magnetic.  You shine, sizzle, entice and seduce.  Regardless of your weight, body type, profession or marital status, people will be drawn to you, court you and vie for your attention.  I call this integrated state ‘Feminine Radiance.'” – Dr. Prudence Hall

As a member of the Facebook group, Forever Fierce: The Midlife Revolution, I recently traveled to New York City to meet fellow bloggers at a style event hosted by Chico’s.  Each of us received a goody bag from our host, containing the following products:  a Luna Stretch Reversible Bracelet from Chico’s, a charcoal masque by Montagne Jeunesse 7th Heaven, day and night cream by Simply Venom, and the book Radiant Again & Forever by Prudence Hall, M.D.

I have just finished the book, and feel that it is important to let you know about the holistic ways that Dr. Hall has found to reverse the aging process at a cellular level.  She treats the whole person — body, mind and spirit.  Once you achieve that, age doesn’t matter; it’s just a number.  Life only gets better.

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How to Be Ageless in Body, Mind and Spirit

Yesterday, I was wishing my cousin a happy birthday despite the fact that her mother had just died.  She replied, “I’m glad we’re still having them.”  We want to still have them for a long time to come, and we want them to be healthy and happy too.

In a “Natural Awakenings” magazine article entitled Ageless Being:  Staying Vibrant in Mind, Body and Spirit by Kathleen Barnes, the author begins with quotes by Christiane Northrup, M.D.   She is a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness, which includes the unity of mind, body, emotions and spirit.  Dr. Northrup often says, “Don’t tell anyone how old you are. Another birthday means nothing.”  As I always say, age doesn’t matter!  So I’d like to explore here what we can do to live a long, fulfilling life.

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3 Links To Make You Proud of Your Age

0917 allure cover

A brilliant article in appreciation of aging appears in the September 2017 issue of Allure magazine written by Editor-in-Chief Michelle Lee.  It’s a must-read!  Lee has already said it all, but as I always say “Age Doesn’t Matter!”  Get an issue today and add her article to your inspiration board.  Everything she says is important, but I will try to give you some key ideas here:

  • When we use the term “anti-aging,” whether we know it or not, we’re subtly reinforcing the message that aging is a condition we need to battle.
  • If there’s one inevitability in life, it’s that we’re getting older. Allure produced a video recently that featured 64-year-old gray-haired Jo Johnson, who declared that aging should be appreciated because “some of us don’t get an opportunity to age.” Growing older is a wonderful thing because it means that we get a chance, every day, to live a full and happy life.
  • Together we can start to change the conversation and celebrate the beauty in all ages.

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