The Beauty Spotlight Team gives tips and advice to help you have everyday style and beauty. This week, we have something to help your hair color survive hard water washes; some stunning new eyeshadows; an explanation on whether warm or cool colors will flatter you best; and my post on how to break up your suits to create more outfits for work, weekends and evenings. Check it all out below. And then, see how these things will make you shine. Age doesn’t matter.
Beauty Spotlight Team, Link Love
Break Up a Suit, Color Analysis, Eye Makeup, Hair Care, Outfit Ideas, Weekly Blog Roundup
Beauty Spotlight Team, Link Love
Best Of, Jewelry, Menswear, Smart Casual, Style, Weekly Blog Roundup
Please accept my apologies for being absent over the past week. But, I have a doctor’s excuse: I suddenly ended up in the hospital for surgery and was not released for a week. I’m grateful that I was able to celebrate my birthday with my beloved family beforehand. I am now at home with my husband taking good care of me while I recuperate. With the help of The Beauty Spotlight Team, I am included in this week’s blog roundup. I will get back to my regular blog schedule with new style posts by Wednesday.
Thanks for your understanding. I am grateful for the support of my family, friends, neighbors, The Beauty Spotlight Team and you, my readers!
In this week’s blog roundup, we welcome a new team member and the following topics. Age doesn’t matter.
Bath & Body, Body Shape, Color Analysis, Color of the Year, Hair Care, Personal Style, Weekly Blog Roundup, Winter Wear
This week, four of us from The Beauty Spotlight Team are contributing our posts on beauty, style and fitness. Just in time to keep your new year’s fitness goals working, there’s a review on the five best running machines for home use. A makeup review reveals the holy grail eyeliner formula. There’s also help for puffy eyes. And my style post helps you to wear athleisure with flair and still be comfortable in your sweats or exercise wear.
So just click below on your favorite topics to start out your year beautifully!
Beauty Spotlight Team, Link Love
Athleisure, Cosmetics, Eye Makeup, Health & Fitness, Style, Weekly Blog Roundup