Age doesn't matter.

Category: Checklists and Guides

How to Make More Outfits Out of What You Have

I’ve created a checklist for you of what you need to have on hand for Spring and Summer in order to create outfits for every occasion.  Age doesn’t matter because all of these items are classic and basic pieces.  They will make it easy for you to make more outfits out of what you have. To make them fun as well as useful, check out what is trending. Wearing something new and modern makes you look young.

Maybe you already have all or most of these essentials.  If not, April is the time of year when spring clothing is on sale.  So it’s a good time to fill in gaps in your warm-weather wardrobe, or upgrade things that are wearing out (or wearing out their welcome).

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How to Clean Out Your Closet for Spring in 6 Easy Steps

Photo from “Decluttering Via the Kon Mari Method” by Camille Williams

A few years ago, I came across an article by Alison Syrett at Lucky Shops (now defunct), “How To Clean Out Your Closet For Spring:  Six Easy Steps To Start Now.”  I tried her system because it broke down the seasonal wardrobe changeover into one task a week for six weeks.  Age doesn’t matter; I’ll bet we can always use an easier way to do things.

You never know (in Michigan, anyway) when the warm weather will stay.  Many years, I would put away my Winter things and pull out my Spring/Summer clothes when the weather got nice and then a cold snap would send me looking for things I had just put away.  What a drag!  A gradual changeover works so much better and gives you the time to get things taken care of at the dry cleaners, the shoe repair and the place where you donate your old things.

So here it is:  I am now sharing with you this super easy and effective system! Continue Reading

How to Heal with the Amazing Energy of Crystals

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Chakra minerals and crystals healing set

My birthday gift from my son this year was a chakra mineral starter set of healing crystals, with a velvet pouch containing the chakra healing stones.  The gift card said, “Hi, Mom! May they bring you abundance and comfort!  From Your Son.”

I was surprised to get this chakra healing set of crystals when I had just posted an article on “How to Use the Amazing Powers of Color.”  This was synchronicity at its best!  In my color post, I included a list of how to heal and correct the chakras by their corresponding colors.

I decided to share my gift with you.  I had already intended to write about crystals, and I will explore the topic more in the future if you like.  I hope that the basic information I am sharing with you here is helpful!

When we “cleanse” our chakras with crystals, we dispel negative energy that is building up inside of us and disturbing our delicate energy balance.  This promotes both emotional and physical self-healing.

Age doesn’t matter.  Throughout history, the wisest healers were those of a venerable age.

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Secrets of How to Look Special on Easy Evenings

tuxedo jacket
Printed Velvet Tuxedo Blazer from Anthropologie

This is the third in a series on evening outfits.  The first was “How to Wear Velvet Now for All Your Special Occasions.”  The second was “How to Dress Up Your Little Black Dress.”

For laid-back events when you’re going out but it’s nothing fancy, I’ve got lots of ideas.  You can take a plain and comfy outfit to something special…or even to something sexy yet classy.  When you keep it classy, age doesn’t matter.  With that in mind, here are 50 outfit combinations to inspire you:

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How to Pack a Carry-on Bag for a Weekend Getaway

nyc packing list
New York City Packing List:  What to Pack for the Weekend

I’m going to New York City for a long weekend trip soon.  So I want to learn how to pack everything I need in a carry-on bag and not over-pack like I always tend to end up doing!  I have the “just in case” syndrome.  I think I got it from being a mom, when I had to make sure we had everything for the entire family.  But age doesn’t matter (LOL).  Lots of people end up doing the same thing.  So, after doing the research, this is how I think I can pack everything into that one little carry-on bag!

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