Age doesn't matter.

Category: Inspiration

3 Ways to Take Care of Yourself: Body, Mind and Spirit

Taking care of your health is an act of self respect.  You know how people say to their loved ones, “Take good care of yourself; be well”?  They say that because they love you and they care.  They also say that when they see you’re doing something that’s not in the interest of your good health.  When you take care of yourself, age doesn’t matter because you last longer.  So let’s explore the three ways to take care of yourself:  in body, mind and spirit.

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Why Is It Important to Show Your True Self?


A few months ago, Life Coach Cat Coluccio wrote a post on her blog called “Vulnerability:  3 Reasons Why Reinvention Begins with You Showing Your True Self at Midlife.”  Here at Your True Self Blog I would like to discuss these aspects of the importance of showing your true self, at midlife and beyond.  Baby boomers today are speaking out, standing up and showing themselves as women never have before.  By doing so, they are changing how women are seen and treated in our society.  It is a legacy being given to future generations of women — a new world in which age doesn’t matter. Continue Reading

How to Develop a Positive Body Image

Love Your Body

Do you love your body?  When the media bombards us with images of one perfect body type throughout our lives, how can we see our uniqueness in a positive way?  We need to shake off the stereotype of what looks good and create our own view of it for ourselves.  In this post, I will be exploring how to develop a positive body image.

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Secrets of How to Enjoy Special Clothes Every Day

I first saw this video on Facebook.  It is a bit of a tearjerker.  Steve Edge of Edge Design tells a story that encourages us all to wear our best clothes for every day instead of saving them for special events.  Click on his video below to hear his story.  When you are done watching, you will find some secrets of how to enjoy your special clothes every day below.

Age doesn’t matter.  If you have beautiful clothes you love that you have been storing away, why don’t you pull them out and dare to wear them anytime?

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How to Dress Like an Artist and Look Young

Did you know when you dress in a colorful way with artistic flair you project an air of youthfulness? See how to dress like an artist and look young by being yourself and having fun!

As I was looking at pictures of ladies who refuse to “dress their age,”  I was struck by the thought that their color play and artfulness make them look full of energy.  Age doesn’t matter when you have playful energy, because that translates to “young.”

So let’s take a look at these artistic fashionistas of a certain age, and see what they’re doing.  Let them inspire us to set our true selves free!  Start a style bucket list.  Wear what you always wished you could, but didn’t.  Do your thing!

How to Dress Like an Artist & Look Young:

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