Age doesn't matter.

Category: Inspiration

How to Love Yourself, Flaws and All

Awhile back, Angie Weihs @theagelessrebellion on Instagram posted a pink heart, saying “Love yourself.  Without your flaws, you wouldn’t be you.”

My comment on that was, “Flaws are the flip side of our good points. So just flip your thinking…”

This can also help you to become happier.  In “How to Be Happy Every Day,” I wrote about flipping the switch:

“Flip the switch” from negative thinking to positivity.  Start the day by taking some deep breaths and being positive and grateful for ten minutes.  Focus on the good things in life (and about yourself).  It will not only benefit you but also those around you.

Age doesn’t matter.  It’s never too late to forgive and appreciate your true self.  Remember to be nice to yourself every day. Continue Reading

What is the Beauty of Your True Self?…and a giveaway

“Beauty—or the desire to be beautiful—is in itself a dangerous motivation. Someone (I forgot who) once said, ‘Does the person who loves someone for their beauty really love them?’ So don’t focus on beauty . . . a respectable appearance is sufficient to make people more interested in your soul. It is the sum of our experiences that makes us interesting, and having been through a time in your life in which you were in a bad place (or what you perceived as a bad place) physically can be useful. It can even be necessary.” — Karl Lagerfeld (from “Karl Lagerfeld’s 6 Most Audacious Beauty Quotes” by Calin Van Paris, Vogue)

So Karl Lagerfeld says that focusing on presenting a respectable appearance is sufficient.  Your true self is what is the most important, of course!  And that’s what you want people to see, right?

Age doesn’t matter, especially when it comes to your inner being. Continue Reading

How to Absolutely Rock a Short Skirt at Any Age

skirt tights shoes MS
Gold Paisley Foil Skirt from metrostyle

Do you think you can’t wear a mini skirt?  A mini skirt doesn’t have to be way too short.  A short skirt just above the knee is sometimes called a mini skirt as well.  But you may wish you could wear a skirt that’s shorter than that or that has a dangerous slit in it.  😮

Fear not!  Age doesn’t matter.  There are ways to be able to wear a mini skirt at any age or shape.  Here’s how:

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Isn’t Life an Amazing Adventure as Your Destiny Unfolds?

Mystery Unfolding by Ssandipchatterjee2016

Our life is time unfolding.  You can see the tapestry of your life unfolded to this point in time.  The rest is a mystery, waiting for you to roll it out and choose your path.  It’s like a movie that we’re watching, waiting to see what’s next.  Age doesn’t matter because time continues to go on.  If you pause now, you’ll miss the happy ending.  Besides, the end may just be the beginning.  Relax, and enjoy the unfolding.

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How to Have Fun with Colorful Outfits

“The whole point is to live life and be…to use all the colors in the crayon box.” – RuPaul

Have you ever played the color game at work?  I never have, but a friend was telling me about it.  Her name is Sharon.  She was telling me about how someone where she worked would organize all interested office personnel to wear different color combinations each day for a week. Continue Reading