Age doesn't matter.

Category: Inspiration

Sexy at 60: Your True Self is Ageless

Raise your vibration to discover your true self.

The usual advice for women once they hit 40 is all about what not to wear, as if they are suddenly over the hill.  My advice would be to wear whatever you like, that looks good on you, because you don’t lose ‘it’ just because you turned 40 (or 50, 60, 70, etc.).  We don’t all have the same type of body that ages into one that can’t wear short skirts or long hair or one that has to cover up the same parts as everyone else does at the same age. Continue Reading

Finding Your True Self

Mountain sunset

The following thoughts on the true self are found on

Reconnecting to Your True Self

More often than not, we’re distracted and overstimulated by media and mobile devices. And while we’re trying to do and have it all, we can easily end up time-starved, overworked and anxiety-ridden instead of being centered or at ease.

It’s in the midst of all this busyness that we fail to recognize that the biggest missing piece to creating what we want in life is the space in which to do it.

 Knowing Your True Self


Dr Chopra,
I see how my beliefs, reactions, fears have been developed/created/molded from past relationships. How do I get to know who IS My True Self?
In advance, thank you.


Knowing your true self comes from direct experience. You need to begin a meditation practice that takes you beyond your thoughts, feelings to the source of your being. That is your true self.


True Self


Hi Deepak I have been thinking a lot about ‘my core self’ or ‘true self’ recently. Who is the me that dreams when I am asleep. And is the me that dreams when I sleep the self that continues after death? Is the me that dreams my true self?


The presence of consciousness that is there when you dream, is the same consciousness that is there when you are asleep and awake. But it is not your core self that is dreaming, nor does the core self think when you are awake. Those are mental activities associated with the conditioned and personal self. That core self is the background unconditioned awareness that is always present whether we are fully conscious of it yet or not. That is your true self that persists regardless of whether you are awake, asleep or dreaming; whether you are embodied or not.
