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Category: Health Goal Diary

How Your Friends Make It Easy to be Healthy: Progress Report

Walk in the Woods – Pinned from ArchitectureArtDesigns

Finding an Exercise Plan That Works, and a Progress Report

This is a diary of the healthy lifestyle goals that my son, Chris, and I are making together each month.

In August, Chris’ goal was to go to the gym five days a week and to run every other day, whether at the gym or not.  My goal was to get a half-hour of aerobic exercise five days a week, with stretching and weights on the other two days.  We had worked on similar goals in July, but wanted to do better.  We felt that some days get too busy and interfere with exercise, so we wanted to find a way to make it work every day.

This journal entry has two parts:  our August exercise results, and a report on the progress we’ve made since we started making goals in March.  Continue Reading

How Your Friends Make It Easy to be Healthy: Daily Exercise


July:  Sustaining Daily Exercise

This is a diary of the healthy lifestyle goals that my son, Chris, and I are making together each month.  In July, Chris wanted to get from one to two hours of exercise five days a week, and I wanted to get a half-hour of aerobic exercise five days a week with stretching and weights on the other two days. Continue Reading

How Your Friends Make It Easy to be Healthy: Exercise

Nancy's swimming pool Actual Size
The pool where I usually swim

June:  Creating an Exercise Program

This is my health diary.  It began in March, when my son, Chris, and I shared with each other what we would give up for Lent.  We missed the beginning, since Easter was earlier this year, so we only had the month of March left.  I gave up drinking wine every day and Chris cut down on eating pizza.  We were happy that we improved our diets by doing this, so in April  I cut down on sweets and Chris stopped drinking soda pop.  In May, Chris cut down on chips and I added a fruit or vegetable to each meal.  This month, we began to make exercise goals. Continue Reading

How Your Friends Make It Easy to Be Healthy: Quitting Chips, Adding Veggies

Bet you can’t eat just one…or, bet you can’t quit!

May:  Cutting Down on Chips & Adding a Fruit or Vegetable to Each Meal

This is a diary of the healthy lifestyle goals that my son, Chris, and I are making together each month…

Chris’ Experience

Chris is a busy actor in New York.  He’s always working and travelling around the big city.  Since he is not home much, he has to find food on the run.  He was finding himself eating a whole bag of chips at a time.  It was something that he could easily pick up while passing stores when he got hungry but had no time for a meal.  In May, he decided he had to stop eating so many chips!

I had often noticed that I was not getting the five or more fruits and vegetables that we are supposed to have every day.  I decided that now was the time to do something about that. Continue Reading

How Your Friends Make It Easy to be Healthy: Cutting Out Pop & Sweets

pop devil

April:  Quitting Soda Pop and Cutting Down on Sweets

This is a diary of the healthy lifestyle goals that my son, Chris, and I are making together each month…

Have you ever heard that if you work on forming a new habit for at least 21 days, it will stick?  Well, Chris and I felt after 21 days of cutting down on pizza and wine that we had accomplished our goals.  We had taken a step toward a healthier diet.

In March, I told you that our goal for April was for Chris to cut down on drinking soda pop to once a week and for me to cut down on sweets. Continue Reading