Age doesn't matter.

Category: Link Love

4 From The Beauty Spotlight Team Share Their Tips on Fashion & Beauty

In this week’s blog roundup, four bloggers from The Beauty Spotlight Team (including me!) are sharing tips on fashion & beauty. You’ll get ready for St. Patrick’s day, nurture your hair and scalp, find your next favorite bra and heal damaged nails. So don’t delay; click on the topics below and visit us for the full story. With four blog posts, you’ll probably have time to take it all in!

Enjoy the beautiful month of March!

Tips on Fashion & Beauty —

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This Week’s Blog Roundup Features the Best in Beauty & Style

Welcome to the weekly blog roundup of The Beauty Spotlight Team! My blogger friends Lola, Allison and Barbie are joining me here at Your True Self fashion blog to feature the latest and best in beauty and style. This week, you’ll find out about how to get a red carpet complexion, a sale on a super lip treatment, the most transformative beauty solutions and outfit ideas for the once again trending denim maxi skirt.

Why don’t you take a break, relax and check out our posts below? Just click on each subject and enjoy!

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The Beauty Spotlight Team Highlights a Few Wonders for an Improved Lifestyle Today

Welcome to the weekly blog roundup of The Beauty Spotlight Team! This week, we’re featuring some wonderful things that make our world easier, more colorful and more enchanting. Our team is branching out into topics that give us an improved lifestyle. So click on your favorite subjects below to find out how to make your body, your outfits and your home environment more beautiful in an up-to-date way. Age doesn’t matter.

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This Week, The Beauty Spotlight Team Has Everything to Make You More Beautiful

Welcome to the weekly blog roundup of The Beauty Spotlight Team! This week, our team is made up of three beauty bloggers, a color consultant and a style blogger (me.) Take a much-needed break just for yourself to see what we have to share. You’ll be glad you did because we are featuring information on everything to make you more beautiful so that you can show your true self to best advantage. Age doesn’t matter.

You’ll find pretty look makers, a sale on a cream that turns back the clock and some things to wear that enhance your shape. Don’t miss out; Take a peek below! When you click on a topic, you will be transported to the full post and will also be able to explore the blog of each of our team members.

We wish you a happy Valentine’s weekend and beyond!

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The Beauty Spotlight Team Shares Lovely Valentine’s Day Ideas

Welcome to this issue of The Beauty Spotlight Team. In this quick and easy blog roundup, we’ve got Valentine’s Day ideas for last-minute gifts and thoughts about how to be your most beautiful self from the inside out. We hope you have a wonderful holiday sharing love with your dear ones!

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