Every week as a member of The Beauty Spotlight Team, I feature a blog roundup of beauty and style bloggers. For mid-August, we are covering subjects from how to rock kimono dusters to purple jewelry at a discount to the perfect CC cream for summer and steps to discover your style. Don’t miss these fantastic blog posts that will make you look your best!
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Accessories, Beauty Spotlight Team, Link Love, Outfit Combinations, Style Inspiration, Tips and Tricks, Ways to Wear It
Cosmetics, Discounts, Dusters, Jewelry, Kimonos, Makeup, Outfit Ideas, Spring/Summer, wardrobe capsule, Weekly Blog Roundup
Welcome to this week’s blog roundup of three beauty bloggers and I, where we talk about cosmetics & jewelry. We’ve got the latest and the best products and tips:
- Lola shares a revelation in luxury skincare with an age-defying formula.
- Allison celebrates National Lipstick Day with a sale on luxury vegan (read safely ingestible) lipsticks. It ought to be a law!
- Barbie is back on our team after a website update. She’s just in time to feature special Barbie products from brands inspired by the movie! Age doesn’t matter.
- And here at Your True Self Blog, I am connecting you with my post on how to style chain jewelry with new ways to wear them…not just now but throughout the entire year!
Take advantage of the information we provide by clicking on the highlighted posts below. Enjoy!
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Beauty Spotlight Team, Link Love
Accessories, Cosmetics, Jewelry, Lipstick, Skin Care, Weekly Blog Roundup
This week, three of us from The Beauty Spotlight Team have summer beauty and style tips for you. My featured post explores how to wear statement maxi skirts that are good for summer and beyond. Allison reviews new refreshing fragrances. And Lola discovered an affordable luxury eye cream. We can all benefit from these beautiful indulgences. Age doesn’t matter.
So check out our tips below to enjoy the summer in the most beautiful way!
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Beauty Spotlight Team, Link Love, Outfit Combinations, Style Inspiration, Ways to Wear It
Fragrance, Skin Care, Statement Maxi Skirts, Weekly Blog Roundup
In this week’s blog roundup of The Beauty Spotlight Team, four bloggers including me share posts on body type, sarongs and cosmetics. There’s a variety of beauty products being reviewed. We’ve got you covered with so many ways to indulge yourself. Just click on the subjects below to get our tips on how you can look amazing! Have a beautiful summer!
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Beauty Spotlight Team, Link Love, Ways to Wear It
Body Type, Cosmetics, Deodorant, Sarongs, Weekly Blog Roundup
Welcome to the weekly blog roundup of The Beauty Spotlight Team! Four of us are sharing information that can make your life more beautiful. For instance, you can now get a younger-looking face with a non-surgical facelift. Your hand-washing experience can be absolutely delightful. Find out how to give yourself a really cool manicure. And check out a summer outfit formula from my Style Tips Series. We hope that our recommendations will give you pleasure throughout the season!
Just click on the topics below and enjoy!
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Beauty Spotlight Team, Link Love, Style Tips
Hand Soap, Manicure, Non-Surgical Facelift, Outfit Formula, Summer Style, Weekly Blog Roundup