Welcome June with The Beauty Spotlight Team! This week, our bloggers share beauty products and hacks plus day to night style (from Your True Self!) Our blog roundup includes:
- a moisturizer to make you look like age doesn’t matter;
- a beauty hack for under eyes;
- exercises you can do from your couch;
- a review of a clean beauty hydrating face serum;
- and how to transform your daytime outfit to night in a flash!
Just click on your favorite topics below to read all about them!
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Beauty, Beauty Spotlight Team, Day to Evening, Evening, Lifelong Health, Link Love
Beauty Hacks, Cosmetics, Dressing Up, Exercise, Reviews, Style, Weekly Blog Roundup
This week, The Beauty Spotlight Team features six of their blog posts with beauty and color tips to make you look your best. Here’s what you’ll find:
- The discovery of a frizz-fighting day cream for hair;
- An introduction to an affordable luxury brand of makeup and beauty accessories;
- A free and easy color analysis quiz;
- Info about Pantone’s 2024 Color of the Year;
- Formation of a summer skincare routine; and
- Ten facts about Botox you might not know.
Just click on your favorite topics below to get the full scoop!
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Beauty, Beauty Spotlight Team, Color Series, Link Love
Affordable Luxury, Botox, Color Analysis, Cosmetics, Hair Care, Makeup, pantone, Skin Care, Weekly Blog Roundup
Welcome to the weekly blog roundup of The Beauty Spotlight Team. Today four of us are offering advice for your health, beauty and style. From the most delightful moisturizers to warm-weather style and how to handle a downside to menopause, there’s something for every woman. So age doesn’t matter. Take a peek and see what surprises we have in store. Just click on your favorite topics below to be transported to the full story!
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Age Doesn't Matter, Beauty, Beauty Spotlight Team, Link Love, Ways to Wear It
Hand Cream, Intimate Care, Kurtas, Skin Care, Tips and Advice, Weekly Blog Roundup
This week, The Beauty Spotlight Team and I are offering you a variety of recommendations on the best of beauty and a style tip. Lola, Barbie and Allison are offering advice, tools and treatments for your self care. As the style blogger on this blog roundup, I am featuring a post from my Style Tips Series.
Barbie is now activating her blog for women over 40, so she has two articles for us this week — one from Barbie’s Beauty Bits and one from Beauty After 40.
With all the information presented here, age doesn’t matter.
So click on the highlighted subject of each post below to be transported to our blogs and enjoy the array of info we have for you!
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Beauty Spotlight Team, Link Love
Beauty Tools, Computer Face, Facial Treatments, Makeup, Skin Care, Style Tips, Weekly Blog Roundup
The Beauty Spotlight Team has a variety of tips to help all women enjoy a better lifestyle. By that, I’m referring to the following five topics in particular:
- a Style Tip from Your True Self Blog,
- a perfume oil that Lola’s Secret Beauty Blog loves,
- the unveiling of the best unlined bras by Barbie’s Beauty Bits,
- a closet revamp by Style Yourself Confident, and
- a yummy gift for Mother’s Day recommended by Never Say Die Beauty.
I’d say that’s quite a wide scope of advice that can definitely help women get a much better lifestyle when all rolled into one! Age doesn’t matter because there’s something for absolutely everyone.
Click on the highlighted subjects below to get all the info.
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Beauty, Beauty Spotlight Team, Link Love, Style Tips
Belts, Closet Organizing, Coats, Food, Gift Ideas, Lingerie, Perfume, Weekly Blog Roundup