Age doesn't matter.

Category: Tips and Tricks

How to Wear the 9 Most Popular Accessories of All Time

earrings and watch
Earrings and watch from Happiness Boutique

There are nine classic accessories that every woman should have.  Age doesn’t matter.  The following list tells you how to wear each one to best advantage.

But I say:  if you want to experiment, go for it!  One evening at an Artist’s Way study group, a friend wore her sparkling chandelier earrings with her casual outfit and it looked absolutely gorgeous.  😉

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How to Be Happy Every Day

I strive to be happy every day, no matter what is happening around me.  The main thing I do is search for the good things in each day, and think about all of the things I appreciate and am grateful for.  I’ve gotten through many difficult times by meditating, using the mantra “om”, and doing yoga and tai chi.  Of course, prayer is another way to rise above adversity.

There are many ways to achieve happiness, and we all have our own favorites.  But I’m always interested in knowing more about how people get happy.  Every day is another chance to form new habits.  Age doesn’t matter.

Before I share with you the habits that bring joy, I want to quote a powerful reminder of what truly makes us happy.  In “The Simple Guide to Being Wonderful” in Spirituality & Health magazine, Emma Seppala, PhD, concludes: Continue Reading

How to Make Your Own Lavender Linen Spray

I found this do-it-yourself recipe on the Free People blog, BLDG 25.  It was within an article about organizing your intimates drawer.  Since I have collected so many bras and panties from Victoria’s Secret over the years, what made a huge difference in organizing my intimates drawer was installing drawer dividers for this purpose.  A well-organized drawer is so helpful; age doesn’t matter! Continue Reading