Age doesn't matter.

Category: Tips and Tricks

How to Be Bold and Creative with Print Mixing

The new world of mixing prints with abandon is colorful and artistic.  Artist and painter Pattie Gerrie is an example of someone who shows her true self with joy.  Let’s try some creative print mixing and have some fun!  Age doesn’t matter.

In this post:

  • I start out with the general print-mixing techniques that always work.
  • Then I give examples of prints that work as neutrals, with some outfit ideas for them.
  • Then I present some bold and creative ideas to try. 
  • And finally, I’ll finish up with outfit combinations to inspire you.  

I haven’t tried too much of this myself, so I’m excited to do more of it.  Let’s start experimenting!

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Easy Ways to Create Casual Fall & Winter Evening Outfits

When I’m getting dressed for an easy evening, I look through the styling ideas I’ve gathered throughout the years. I collected outfit combinations to help me quickly put myself together in new ways. Otherwise, I get bored by wearing the same things in the same way time and again. If you feel the same way, I hope you find inspiration from the variety of looks I share with you in this post and in my blog. Below are my notes on casual Fall and Winter Evening outfits. Age doesn’t matter.

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What Are the Building Blocks of Beautiful Cold-Weather Evening Looks?

I am sharing with you a list of clothes and accessories that I have found to be the building blocks of my best cold-weather evening looks. I’m sure that you have many of them in your closet already. You may find others that you’d like to add to your wardrobe for a variety of new evening outfits. Included are over half a dozen tips to guide your best choices. Age doesn’t matter.

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4 Beauty & Style Bloggers Share Their Posts to Make You Look Your Best!

Every week as a member of The Beauty Spotlight Team, I feature a blog roundup of beauty and style bloggers. For mid-August, we are covering subjects from how to rock kimono dusters to purple jewelry at a discount to the perfect CC cream for summer and steps to discover your style. Don’t miss these fantastic blog posts that will make you look your best!

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How to Transform From Summer Day to Evening

During the summer, there are so many fun things to do that you’ll probably have to go directly from your daytime activities to an evening out.  Or maybe you make a pit stop at home and need a quick presto change-o!  I’ve got plenty of outfit ideas to take you from day to evening with ease.  Age doesn’t matter.  These tips work for everyone!

Let’s start with some quick and easy basic ways to look classy all day, from sunrise to sundown. Then you’ll find tricks for casual days, for work to play, and for a plethora of other situations. Finally, this post ends with what you can wear all day and night without changing a thing!

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