Age doesn't matter.

Category: Tips and Tricks

Do Your Shoes Smell Fresh and Sweet?

I was walking in the woods with my friend one day and she began to talk about her feet.  (Maybe they were starting to get tired from the hike?)  She went on to say how she was working hard to protect against fungal infections.  She wanted to find something that worked, and said I should do a blog post on it sometime.

So I told her about the time I went to a podiatrist and he was raving about a new invention!

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How to Make Time for Ourselves

Self care quote

My son, Chris, and I have been making health goals together each month for years.  I wrote about our experiences with this in my Health Goal Diary here on the blog.  It has made a big difference in our health habits, especially with diet and exercise.

It has been beneficial to both of us.  Age doesn’t matter.  Besides keeping us healthy, it has kept our weight down and made us look our best.

We took a break when the weather got cold in the fall and the holidays rolled around.  We got busy, sick, and then surrounded by holiday feasts and goodies.

When we decided to take a break from making health goals, we had a conversation about how overwork was taking a toll on us.  Self care was lost in the shuffle and we needed to find time for ourselves and our needs.  It was a goal that has not been easy to achieve.

Intending to think about what I needed to do to make time for myself, I dove right back into my work and never gave it another thought.  So I’m taking a moment in writing this post about self care to explore what I need to do that I haven’t been doing all this time.  I’m hoping this will be helpful to you as well.

Included is:

  • What happens when we don’t make time for ourselves?
  • Personal examples, both unsuccessful and successful.
  • The basics of self care.
  • Self-care tips based on specific needs.
  • 20 general self-care tips.

As you read on, you’ll find more and more helpful information beyond what you might already think of, which I hope will inspire you with some helpful ideas.

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Tips on How to Spring Clean Your Closet

As spring comes on, it’s time for the annual swap of putting away our heavy winter clothes and pulling out our light and bright springtime things to wear.  In my last blog post, “How to Really Enjoy the Transition to Warm Weather,” I gave you outfit ideas for the changing temps.  Now it’s time to give our closets a spring cleaning.  So I have some handy tips to share with you on how to spring clean your closet.

I love being able to add to my beautiful wardrobe, but I struggle to get rid of things.  I have these ideas that someday I might need them or want them or that I should hang on to less-than-ideal basics until I can find the ideal version.

I am always trying to better organize what I do have.  It makes it much easier to come up with new outfit ideas when you can see the colors and types of clothing clearly.  And besides, I like things to be neat and orderly.  Perhaps you do, too.  Age doesn’t matter; it’s our inner peace that’s important.  And order creates calm mornings and inner happiness, and a beautiful home and beautiful clothes to live in.

In my efforts to control clutter in my closet and wardrobe, I collect tips on how to accomplish this.  My favorite guide to transitioning my wardrobe from winter to spring is my post on “How to Clean Out Your Closet for Spring in 6 Easy Steps” in my Check Lists and Guides category.  With that already available to you (just click on the title to link to it), I am posting here today some tips to consider on getting things under control.

Tips On How to Spring Clean Your Closet

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How to Make Your Lipstick Colors Look Spectacular

Trying to find the right color lipsticks isn’t easy, even if you try them on in the store before getting home.  The lighting is different, and it can be disappointing to discover that you don’t love the color like you thought you did.  Age doesn’t matter. In this post, you will find out how to make your lipstick colors look spectacular!

The only way to end up at home with the perfect lipstick purchase every time is if you buy your favorite color over and over without the company ever discontinuing it and just give up trying new colors!  The temptation is that there are new ones every season.  😉

Well, you can take things into your own hands and mix your own colors!  That way, if a color isn’t so hot on you it can be mixed with other colors until you get exactly what you want.

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How to Look Good in Black When It’s Not Your Color

I was at the gym, and looked around at the gym clothes everyone had on. I was impressed with how edgy and cool people look when they wear all black, sophisticated too. It really does create a strong impression. Age doesn’t matter. Since I love wearing black, I decided to explore how to look good in black when it’s not your color. Because it’s not mine!

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