Age doesn't matter.

Category: Uncategorized

It’s Here Now! 50 Shades of Beautiful

Campaign for Real Beauty

Dove campaign for all types of beauty from Huffington PostThe American fashion industry has slowly and gradually progressed beyond focusing on the stereotypical beauty as only being the blonde-haired, blue-eyed young woman.   After much pressure, they began to include beautiful young women of other ethnicities.  Then the Dove soap company broke another barrier by starting an ad campaign showing normal women as beautiful.

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Want to Stop Traffic in a Sparkling Coat?

Sequin Coat
Angie on the run!

This coat from Metro Style gets compliments every time I wear it, and so many women have said, “I want that!  I’ve got to get one.  Where did you get it?”  So I am showing it to you now, at the end of January, while the cold winter is still ahead and the coat is discounted as stores begin marketing their Spring clothing.

I had a long, black, faux leather coat from La Redoute that I wore out and replaced and wore out again.  When I looked for it a third time, last year, they didn’t have it.  So I waited until this year, and they still didn’t have it.  I began to Google black faux leather coats online and still couldn’t find one to compare.

The black faux leather coat was a go-to outerwear choice because it was long enough for any length pant or skirt, the color went with anything, and it was even usable as a rain coat!Back of coat

Meanwhile, for the past few years, I have been looking at this embroidered and sequinned coat in the Metro Style catalog.  But I was thinking that it was only for evening and I already have a black velvet evening coat.

When I gave up on finding a replacement for the faux leather coat (I didn’t want leather for humane reasons), it occurred to me that the sequinned wool coat was as close a match as I could find.  My long tweed winter coat was worn thin and I had been looking for a long black wool coat.  This sequinned coat would fit the purpose of both the winter coat and the black leather coat that I was looking for!Coat & scarf

I decided to buy it and wear it as an everyday coat.  And it has ended up being another go-to.  I am pleased with its usefulness and I get constant compliments to boot.  It’s a win-win situation!

As Marie Antoinette said when the poor needed food, “Let them eat cake.”  In my case, when I needed a discontinued coat, I decided “Let them wear sequins!”

The coat also comes in red embroidery.  If you want to get one for yourself, you can get it here.large red embroidered coat

This is my opinion about this coat, and has no connection with Metro Style.  I do not participate in any sponsored or affiliate programs.  I would appreciate it if you would sign up to receive my posts every week by e-mail.  Also, please share this blog with your friends and family.  Thanks, Angie

How Your Friends Make It Easy to be Healthy: Daily Exercise


July:  Sustaining Daily Exercise

This is a diary of the healthy lifestyle goals that my son, Chris, and I are making together each month.  In July, Chris wanted to get from one to two hours of exercise five days a week, and I wanted to get a half-hour of aerobic exercise five days a week with stretching and weights on the other two days. Continue Reading

How Your Friends Make It Easy to be Healthy: Cutting Out Pop & Sweets

pop devil

April:  Quitting Soda Pop and Cutting Down on Sweets

This is a diary of the healthy lifestyle goals that my son, Chris, and I are making together each month…

Have you ever heard that if you work on forming a new habit for at least 21 days, it will stick?  Well, Chris and I felt after 21 days of cutting down on pizza and wine that we had accomplished our goals.  We had taken a step toward a healthier diet.

In March, I told you that our goal for April was for Chris to cut down on drinking soda pop to once a week and for me to cut down on sweets. Continue Reading