Age doesn't matter.

Tag: Casual Style

How to Look Cute When You’re Just Lounging Around

Whether you’re working at home or relaxing on weekends, you can still look good — even when no one’s looking.  Just for you…your true self…body, mind and soul…to be comfortable and beautiful.  So I’m going to share with you my ideas on how to look cute when you’re just lounging around.  Age doesn’t matter.

Since I’ve been working at home writing a fashion blog, I don’t need to get dressed for work anymore.  I’m around the house a lot.  And, of course, I just want to be comfortable.  It’s time to dress down.

Yet I still like to play with colors, scarves are my signature piece, and I like to add a cool piece of jewelry or more.  As always, I don’t like to wear the same thing twice; I like to create endless combinations of what I have.  Yet I have some favorite combos, such as a tunic with skinnies or a maxi with a t-shirt.  And the best thing is:  I love my jeans.

What do you wear when you’re just hanging around the house?  Do you wear sweats or jeans and a tee?  Are you tired of the same old thing and feel like you’re ready for some new inspiration?  Do you want to look great while you lounge in comfort?

Well then, let’s explore:

How to Look Cute When You’re Just Lounging Around

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Free Tips and Advice from the Best at Fashion Flash!

You’re in the right place to get free tips and advice from the best bloggers for women over 40. Today I’m connecting you to the mid-January edition of the weekly online magazine Fashion Flash. This blog roundup is being hosted by award-winning author Barbara Hannah Grufferman. Click on her name below to be transported to this week’s issue. You’ll find topics from beauty to fashion, food, health and fitness and aging well so you can rest assured that age doesn’t matter! Included is my updated post on how to be comfortable yet sexy in your pajamas.

Also, we at Fashion Flash have just kicked off our #StyleYourMask campaign. Use the hashtag to find out all about it on social media. There’s already a giveaway featuring the new edition of The Good Doctor’s Guide to Colds and Flu by Neil Schachter, MD, including a special chapter on preventing, treating and recovering from Covid. Visit my Facebook page @Your True Self Blog to connect to that. And stay tuned for more to come!

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What I Want for Christmas? Help for Native Americans

When my husband asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I pointed out my selection in the Southwest Indian Foundation catalog:  a handmade embroidered hoodie and matching drawstring pants. When we called to order it, we slowly discovered that COVID-19 had swept through the desert Southwest reservation areas and large numbers of Indians had died. That realization made me decide to interrupt my Velvet Outfits series in order to let my readers know about this urgent situation. Now, what I want for Christmas is help for Native Americans.

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How to Style a Fleece Vest 15 Ways

A fleece vest is normally used to add casual warmth to jeans and a tee. But with a little imagination, it can be styled outside that box. Did you ever think of tossing it on over dresses, skirts, faux leather or animal prints? Or you could wear it as just one of many layers for cold days which will make it way more interesting. Varying colors and textures in your outfit will add new dimensions to the look as well. To inspire new outfit combinations, in this post I’m showing how to style a fleece vest 15 ways.

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Style Tip of the Day: How to Dress Down a Skirt or Dress

When the weather is in the 90-degree Fahrenheit range, I only want to wear a dress, kaftan or skirt. I especially love the feel of a light, flowing fabric in a maxi length. If you feel too dressed up wearing a dress or skirt for every day, there’s a simple solution. Check out this style tip of the day:  how to dress down a skirt or dress. And then, if you like, you can find more Style Tips HERE for everyone. Age doesn’t matter.

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