Age doesn't matter.

Tag: Style

It’s Time to Start Wearing the Spring/Summer 2025 Colors

At the beginning of spring, it’s still cold so we can’t just run outside in our shorts all of a sudden…although some people do anyways. That’s okay if they like to dive right in like that. But I like to stay cozy. It’s much warmer and easier to just start in on wearing spring colors. You can find my style tip on how to use the classic spring colors now right HERE. I’m writing this in time for the first day of spring. So I consider this the ideal time to start wearing the Spring/Summer 2025 colors. 

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5 Beauty and Style Tips & Another New Member of The Beauty Spotlight Team!

Welcome to The Beauty Spotlight Team, a weekly feature on my blog. Today we’re excited to introduce you to Marsha, a fashion and lifestyle blogger from Marsha in the Middle. Hailing from Indiana, she is an engaging writer, teacher and stylish lady. She joins us for the first time in this week’s roundup, where five of us are including posts on:  jeans not to buy, a nourishing and effective face primer, how to wear a color that doesn’t look good on you, how to relax and fall asleep and mixing textures in your outfits. Sound good? Age doesn’t matter when you have access to the type of information that we offer. Enjoy these beauty and style tips and more when you visit our blogs highlighted below!

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5 From The Beauty Spotlight Team Share Beauty & Style Inspiration

Welcome to this week’s blog roundup of The Beauty Spotlight Team! Five of us are sharing some beauty & style inspiration for a lovely lip butter, St. Patrick’s Day nail designs, ways to wear a white skirt in cool weather,  a reformulated hair growth serum and how to wear trousers in a relaxed way. So there should be something for everyone. Choose your favorite topics and click on the highlighted descriptions below to find out more!

We still have wintry weather in the American Midwest, but soon it will be Spring. Hang in there. Brighter days are coming!

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Style Tip of the Day: How to Use Certain Trending Colors

This style tip of the day shows you how to use certain trending colors.  You’ll be able to incorporate these colors into your existing wardrobe with ease, multiplying the ways to wear them.  If you don’t have these colors, now is a good time to think about adding them in to what you have.  Their versatility will make them worth purchasing because they will have staying power.

Besides, these colors are becoming to all skin tones, depending on the hue.  Who doesn’t want that?  Age doesn’t matter when the colors you wear make your skin glow.

The featured colors can be styled romantically as well, which make them great for date night outfits.

This color is actually one color but in many different shades. Choose your favorite hue that looks best on you. Below, I share color combinations to help you come up with different outfits that are uniquely you with examples of how they look.

This is an updated post to give you the highest quality content.

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The Beauty Spotlight Team Begins March With a New Style Member!

Welcome to this weekly blog roundup of The Beauty Spotlight Team! We are excited to announce that we have a new style member. See Nancy’s link below to find out all about her. She’s an engaging Danish personal style blogger that you will love to meet. And there’s lots of good beauty and style posts the rest of our team have for you this week, too. Age doesn’t matter. Click on the highlighted subjects below to visit us!

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