Every week as a member of The Beauty Spotlight Team, I feature a blog roundup of beauty and style bloggers. For mid-August, we are covering subjects from how to rock kimono dusters to purple jewelry at a discount to the perfect CC cream for summer and steps to discover your style. Don’t miss these fantastic blog posts that will make you look your best!
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Accessories, Beauty Spotlight Team, Link Love, Outfit Combinations, Style Inspiration, Tips and Tricks, Ways to Wear It
Cosmetics, Discounts, Dusters, Jewelry, Kimonos, Makeup, Outfit Ideas, Spring/Summer, wardrobe capsule, Weekly Blog Roundup
Last weekend, I went to Las Vegas with my sister to soak up the sun poolside. Usually, by November the weather cools down in Las Vegas and they start calling it their winter season. However, it was already starting to cool the last week of October. Instead of temperatures in the 80’s Fahrenheit, they dipped into the 60’s. Doesn’t it seem to happen that the weather turns unfavorable right when you travel someplace?! It was 80 again the day after we got back. In the end, we even enjoyed the pool on 68 degree days because there was sun and no wind on deck.
It ended up that I only needed to wear the warmer clothes I packed. I brought mostly sandals and lightweight clothing and didn’t end up wearing them. After returning home, I surveyed what I actually wore out of my overpacked bags. It boils down to a capsule wardrobe that works for four days in between seasons in Las Vegas. And age doesn’t matter when you use my packing list.
So what do you really need to pack for a trip to Las Vegas?
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Checklists and Guides
Travel, Travel Wardrobe, wardrobe capsule
What do you absolutely need for the perfect fall and winter wardrobe? Herein is a checklist for what you need to create outfits for every occasion during the cool seasons. Age doesn’t matter because all of these items are classic and basic pieces. They will go with everything else you own to make a complete seasonal wardrobe that works.
(For a Spring and Summer checklist, see my post on how to make more outfits out of what you have HERE.)
Maybe you already have all or most of these essentials. If not, use this list to fill in gaps in your cool-weather wardrobe or upgrade things that are wearing out (or wearing out their welcome).
I’m not one for paring my clothes down into a capsule wardrobe because I love to have options for creating something a little different every day. But I do believe in having all the basics you’ll need to provide the main structure for a wide array of outfit possibilities.
If you have all the necessities, you won’t ever have to feel like you don’t have anything to wear!

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Accessories, Checklists and Guides
Fall/Winter, Wardrobe Basics, wardrobe capsule
Do you know what colors look best on you? If you don’t, you can find out by taking a free color analysis quiz (click on the link below.) And when you know what your best colors are, you can start creating wardrobe capsules with a fun new program that I’m going to tell you about today.
Wearing your best colors makes you look like your true self at its best. You’ll look better even without makeup! Your colors make your skin look smoother and your eyes look brighter. Age doesn’t matter when you wear the right colors.
How Do You Know What Colors Look Best on You?
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Color Series
Color Combinations, Color Mixing, glam rock, wardrobe capsule, Your Best Self, Your True Self
Soon I will be going on the Ageless Beauty: Yoga & Wellness Cruise hosted by Cindy Bartz whose website is “Yoga & Wellness.” We will be sailing to Cozumel where I plan to go on a snorkeling expedition. As I try to make sure I have everything I need to take with me, I am trying to simplify the multitude of considerations that need to be addressed. As I tried to find an easy answer to what to wear on a cruise to a sunny clime so that I could pack as lightly as possible, I was stymied. There is not really a simple version online. So I am going to try to sort it all out for you right here. Age doesn’t matter. The travel wardrobe you take on a cruise just has to address the needs of your activities on the ship. So I have now put together some lists and tips: what to wear on a warm-weather cruise made easy.
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Checklists and Guides, Tips and Tricks
Travel, wardrobe capsule